Indeed he did :
Lol, figures they wouldn't let you read the whole story unless you have an account.

From what I remember about the article, he says something like there's 'possibly another elder scrolls in 2010,' and then the article writers interpret that as him 'penciling' it in.
This is probably why Bethesda doesn't say anything, because all the gaming journalists will completely misinterpret what they say.
Remember when Todd was misinterpreted at QuakeCon '09?
That caused a lot of worrying:
Apparently some folks got a bit upset by reports based on Todd’s talk at QuakeCon last week. An article came out where Todd was quoted as saying we had no plans for a TES V. He did not say that. That was not a direct quote from him. That was someone’s interpretation of what he said. I know, I was there.
At his QuakeCon talk he was asked when TESV is coming out and Todd replied, “Don’t look for a new Elder Scrolls game in the near future.” He also went on to say how much the franchise means to us and that it definitely will continue. He just wasn’t going to provide any timeframe on “when.” This should not be news to anyone that has been paying attention. Both Todd and I have said repeatedly that, of course, we’re going to do another Elder Scrolls game. The last one was enormously popular. So was the one before that. You get the idea. So do we.
Anyways, I'm guessing, like most other people, we are going to see some news very soon since NV is out. My gut tells me this year, but it could also possibly be early next year.