I agree, the Eurogamer discussion has become little more than circle talk.
I second this. Or third this, whatever

I think I have an idea of what TES V will be about.
Basically, when you played Morrowind, you heard rumours in-game about how weak the Emperor was, and that people speculated how long it would last. In other words, it implied of something bad happening to the Empire.
Now, we all know something relatively close happened in Oblivion - a crisis for the Empire.
Well, here come's my idea: in Oblivion sometimes people talk about some rumours that some of the provinces are thinking about seceding from the Empire. Perhaps Elder Scrolls 5 will take place in one of those seceding provinces? Perhaps a war will come between the Empire and the province? That's what I think TES V will be about.
I agree, but there are three things to consider:
1) The fact that it is, apparently, set 200 years after Oblivion, rendering the rumours at that time almost pointless.
2) They mention almost every area - Skyrim, Summerset, even Akavir - in the rumour mill.
3) The past two games have been largely based around the empire. I for one, am slightly bored with it - imperials
are the most ordinary race - and the devs might be too.
In the meantime, I'm going with Skyrim. It's the only part of this whole rumour mess that we've got solid evidence on (the copyright).