I think I'm going to go contact whoever makes 'dem dictionaries and tell them to revise the definition of "forever:"
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forever (for·ev·er)
/f?r??v?r, f?r-/ [fawr-ev-er, fer-]
1. Has never been used before in the history of mankind for anything other than referring to Duke Nukem Forever. Can sometimes be altered to "4ever" which just makes it refer to it
even harder.I suppose that's true.
I just want to know if people have been asking a lot about DNF to Game Informer, perhaps even years ago.
Why not sent McNamara a message asking him? And, while your at it, ask whether or not "4ever" is some kind of supa-dupa-secret code? If he laughs at that like we're idiots then I think we'll have our answer.
Either way, it gives us something to speculate on...I'm sure antibody will get his copy and say you DID THIS WRONG

Darn now I'll have to be all nice when I say it

Nah I'll probably look at it for a few minutes then give up.