We've been discussing this a while - most things that have been out more than a day have already been discussed at great length. Currently, though, we're looking at the fact that Game Informer just had a 4-page spread entitled 'Encrypting the Elder Scrolls', which sounds quite promising for a future announcement.
The link to the original article:
To bring you up to speed on what we talked about:
How 'direct sequel' is a mistranslation/doesn't mean it follows on from Oblivion;
How unreliable the source seems (although it does come from EG, which makes it more credible);
How unlikely it is that Bethesda planned this.
So yeah. Welcome to the forums, and do not anger Antibody

ok i can clearly see that you have already ruled it out thanks anyways i know that im addressing the
ministry of the elder scrolls series but you got to stick some hope somewhere in all that regulation