I would kill several virgins under the full moon as a sacrifice to Bethesda if they bring out a gameplay trailer soon. All I want is a few screen shots and a trailer.
(I'm not joking just say the word and I'll find some virgins)
Leave those poor wow-players alone

don't think Bethesda would appreciate that sacrifice anyway.
Anyway, it's only good that there's not too many posts when there's not much to speculate on. As soon as there's some more new info, these threads will start filling up again. No point posting if there's nothing new to post.
I'm quite sure we won't see anything TES-related for the VGAs. If they're gonna announce it there, it's gonna be in the middle of the shows, and so much going on around them that they'll really have to compete for attention. If they wait, they'll have a greater chance of seizing everyone's attention -- all they have to do is tell everyone they're having a press conference, and show off some clips. At least it won't hurt them to wait for a bit.
I'm predicting an announcement at about the same time we get to know what the GI February cover will be. But my predictions have been rather inaccurate before - so don't get your hopes up