Also IMO locking threads at 11 pages and what not isn't doing any favors as far as getting a nice community going here. As for as forums go the community here struggles quite a bit IMO. Maybe you guys should make a "Everything Elder scrolls related" sticky at the top of the page that doesn't lock every 6 hours.
The community in TES General, or any of our other forums certainly does not struggle, in general it a well behaved and enjoyable place to post, discuss and it is always active. It certainly will not be stickied as there is nothing official about the existence or release of the game. If and when there is an official announcement about our long awaited game there will no doubt be a forum dedicated to it, until then the only ones here with "proof" of the game are you guys.

Wasn't attacking the mods in the slightest. They don't make the rules they just enforce them. Was merely making a suggestion. I just thought it would be nice to have a community going here as I never stay for more then a few minutes at a time since theres nowhere you can really talk but hey I guess thats what real life is for ay

. Anyway probably best to not get too off topic.
OK guys, this kind of post is exactly the type of pointless chat and off topic that is going to get this topic in trouble - again. The moderators are the ones who suggest the majority rules, and apply them, as we are the team who spends most time on the forums and keep the place tidy. It also shows that stickied topics are invisible to most people otherwise the poster would know that he should have used a PM to discuss moderator actions and not posted on the open forum.
Yes, I am going on a bit, the moderators really do want to allow you this topic to discuss and speculate about when the next TES game is going to see the light of day (and I look forward to that time as much as anyone else) but you all need to take a sensible approach to the topic - many of you already do - keep your posts within the bounds of possibility and stop constantly repeating yourselves. Drives me mad. : :ahhh:
You will also see that a lot of TES V topics were locked recently. This was done after discussion and agreement and until we have definite official news of TES V the number of topics on it are going to be strictly limited - perhaps that should tell you something and give you something to speculate about.
OK, I have said my bit, back to TES V now. :tongue: