beth once said that they ready to show us if that one dude said to show everyone however they really want to impress us, so i was thinking that they would reveal there new game that they have been working on at maybe a important day? the website had that age thing added recently maybe its not to long before they add some good news

. well we can dream cant we?
I believe it was Todd Howard who said that if Pete Hines the VP of PR and marketing walked into his door and said "SHOW IT" they would because, according to him "they have a lot to show."
Also, while im on the subject of Pete Hines and Bethesda's marketing team, after watching the hype train for Fallout New Vegas, I believe Bethesda might be starting a new trend and promoting the hell out of their franchises.
Fallout New Vegas received undeniably a much larger promotional campaign than Fallout 3 ever did. Parties were held, pre-order deals were made, graphic novels were released, Giant props were erected, TV spots were created.
I strongly believe that its in Bethesda's new (marketing) intention, to make Elderscrolls V as big of a hype train as Fallout New Vegas was. Is that a bad thing? Probably FNV lived up to the hype for me. But what does that say about how and when it will be announced...?
Well, some of you know my thoughts on this already...