Well when I checked the Applicant name, it shows Zenimax Media which I'm sure its gonna be for Bethesda. Anyway you explained the trademark issue about this excellently in thread # 74. I hope nobody files for an opposition to registration. I'm just hoping that they'll announce it in the coming weeks.

This is part of the reason why after December 16th looks good since it will have passed the month long oppositional period.
I did note the other day that Gearbox Software filed a mark for 'Pandora' (for those of you who havent played Borderlands, thats the name of the planet on which the game takes place).
Now, I'm the first to admit my understanding of US trademark law is limited at best, but if Zenimax filed for Skyrim, not as a name of a product, but as a fictional location to be used within a product, then as I understand it, any other company would find it difficult to file an opposition unless they already have a fictional location of the same name.
apologies for the verbose nature of the preceding sentance.
My point is, if TESV is not called Skyrim, but is set there, I beleive that Zenimax will have no problems getting it through.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
When a company registers for a trademark it is to protect the rights under specific usage. They did not apply for a mark which would prevent another company from using the name "Skyrim" as a location name, the mark would prevent another company from making a video game called "Skyrim" and all the other goodies in the other mark as well.
Maybe, but given that they trademarked Morrowind and Oblivion just like Skyrim. I doubt the name won't be "TESV: Skyrim".
I don't know, things can change.
It still remains to be seen whether they have applied for the Skyrim trademarks simply to protect their property against exploitation or if they intend it to be used. I could see a wireless company with the name Skyrim giving away hats and tee-shirts to promote their product and it could also infringe upon BGS' interests. We really have no way of knowing at this point what BGS is planning, it simply happens to be the only tangible thing TES related that hasn't been outright denied.