What does TES V have to do with any of those? The first two are shooters, the third is an Obsidian game that's already been released, hence the DLC really isn't a priority. Bethesda Softworks already got their check from Microsoft.
No because aside from FNV, none of those games are in the same genre as TESV.
No, because TES V wont be announced with a definite release date, and if it is announced with one, it will be far away from the release dates of everything you just mentioned. That is, assuming Bethesda's marketing department knows what it's doing.
Yeah... that's what I thought.
Because there are lots of people that likes each of these games like myself, I want Rage, Brink, Hunted, and FNV's DLCs. So they have to pick a game to spend money on 'cus not everyone has a lot of money

Bah forget it...