» Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:27 am
http://twitter.com/GI_AndyMc/status/2446334590189568 I found this while reading about the latest rumor on gameinformer.com. Now, I know I know, we've all been burnt by tweets from Andy McNamara regarding future covers, and I'm not saying that this time it is TESV. But, it does seem pretty likely, and it does fit with current speculation regarding a possible announcement. For those of you who didn't follow the link, Andy said that the January GI cover is something no one is expecting, and the February cover is one that "you have been begging for 4ever."
So, I think that is possible that the Feb cover could be TESV, since we have been bugging GI about a possible cover forever, and it would be revealed in January, which many people here have speculated would be a likely revealing time, AND it would fit with the speculation that TESV could be announced at the VGAs, since they could announce it there, and then next month we find out all kinds of details about it. What do you guys and gals think?