Jesus H Christ people.
The correct translation is "The same source confirmed, with official game documents in hand, that this will be the chronological sequel to what happened in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which is the latest game in the now 16-years-old Elder Scrolls saga and by itself one of the better RPGs for PC and consoles"
I think I'll go crazy if I have to put up with another 3 months of this.
Not true. From the original article I posted previously:
Samme kilde bekr?ftede, med officielle spildokumenter i h?nden, at dette bliver en direkte forts?ttelse til The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
The same source confirmed, with official documents in his hand, that this will be a (direct continuation of/direct sequel to) The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Not one part of that sentence justifies using chronological in its translation.
Not taking my word for it? Fine I will translate word for word:
at = that
dette = this
bliver = will be
en = a
direkte = direct
forts?ttelse = continuation
til = to (prepositions can be different between Danish and English)
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
What is the difference between "direct sequel" and "chronological sequel"?
Chronological only indicates that the events of the sequel will take place sometime after the events of the previous game.
Direct indicates that it takes place directly after the events and that the plots are directly linked to each other. (If you read too much into it, it could also mean that the same protagonist will be used)