I'm sure there are highlights.
We have a heap of Scandinavians on these forums don't we? Don't be shy, tell us what you think.
How do Europeans feel about American games? English speaking countries pick up on them, but i don't about mainland Europe. Marketing to Asia may be a waste of time, with apathy towards American games in Japan (although the market is growing i hear), and mainland Asia having a big piracy problem.
Western Europe enforces IP laws, probably just as well as the USA. Western and Northern Europe could be a goldmine.
Hellooo, I'm a Scandinavian! And Denmark isn't exactly the type of place that Skyrim has been described as in the past, so I doubt there's anything to the "Denmark is being used as inspiration for Skyrim"-idea. You'd need to look further North for more Skyrim-type countries; Sweden, Finland and Norway, namely, and also Northern Russia. There's 25cm of snow outside my window right now, I'm in Southern Finland.
In Europe people play mostly American games. At least in Finland we get all of the major American games at pretty much the same time the Americans do. I've lived in the States too, and I don't really notice much difference between American and Finnish game selections in game stores. So I think American games have pretty much infiltrated Scandinavia already, as far as I know.

Probably most of the other European areas too, because Finland is usually miles behind all the other countries in just about everything.