I have finally read the book, it was alright, nothing spectacular, but not a total waste of time.
But I'm really having a tough time taking any of this book as "cannon" as todd has said it should be taken.
I mean how am I supposed to take anything seriously that was written by somebody that does something like this....
"No," Urvwen said, lowering his voice. Something...." (pg.37 of my book)
How is it that here we have one huge no-no, a male with a name that is broken down in elvish to
Ur (heat or fire) v (dont know why thats there as it dosent fit elvish) and finally the worst part, wen (meaning maiden or woman).
So it basicaly is a male character named hot woman? Fire maiden?
So im supposed to take this book as "cannon"? Even with things that are completely wrong?
Im so confilcted by this, because if say, one of my friends was telling me a story of something that had happened to them, and they
said something that was so completely wrong, and I knew it was wrong, I would have a tough time believing any of their story after that.
There better be a damn good explination for that one down the road, or I may lose all my confidence in what is known as being "cannon" in the ES series.
And no, it's probably not a joke by Greg Keyes that he thought nobody would get, or even notice, Just a collosal (Naughty words

) on his part.