I've read through this thread (and the book

) and I just wanted to give my two cents on:
The book itself: I think it was a nice read, great dialogue. What I didn't like about his writing, though, was his way to describe places. I, for one, was often confused about where the characters were and how the environment looked. Like when Mere-Glim and Wert were swimming; how could they talk under water? Why did he describe the worms as "squirting water" if they were under water? Perhaps I just misunderstood completely and they weren't under water?
Anna?g: Some in here say that her character is contradicting, but I don't think so. She is sort of an amateur daredevil at first, but she is still in her hometown, in safety. Suddenly, she is taken away from safety, and safety is even destroyed in the process. She has to start anew, and her goal of destroying Umbriel is clear in the beginning, in accordance to her "daredevil" character. But after a while she starts to like the place, she has a job which lets her do what she really likes (alchemy), and she lives and eats better than she has ever done before. Part of her begins to forget her initial motive, and thus, the action-girl personality begins to fade. At the end, though, she starts remembering why she hates Umbriel and her initial character begins to come back.
Attrebus: I really like this character. As for the Emperors motive of making him into "a fake", I think it was nailed earlier in this thread. The Emperor is just a dictator. No bloodline has given him the throne, and the only way he can make sure his son will get the throne after him, is by making the people love Attrebus. He has obviously managed this by conjuring up legends and tales about Attrebus' "grand" adventures.
Umbriel: Some say it doesn't fit in to lore, to Tamriel, but I think it's great. After all, how can we judge what fits in to Clavicus Vile's realm? All we've seen of it is basically http://www.imperial-library.info/tsorg/part10image11.jpg. It feels fresh and daring, something that the Elder Scrolls series are in great need of, since Oblivion was basically a coaster ride through "fantasy-clich?-land".
I was a bit disappointed at the end, though, I was hoping for the battle to finish to at least give some measure of conclusion before the end. Everything just kind of cut off.