Hehe, now that's what I call baseless speculation! Still, like I said earlier I'm definitely subscribing to Game Informer, I have a good feeling TESV will be featured in it soon.
It's actually not completely baseless, at least depending on how much importance we give to past methods. I am one of the people who thinks that now that they are so famous they can announce stuff at E3 without worrying about being drowned out. However, if we assume that, as per usual, they plan on announcing TESV via a magazine, we can consider major franchises and big-name dev teams that are rumored to exist but have, like TESV, not been announced. I am, obviously, not aware of every famous franchise and dev team on every platform, but most of the big titles people are looking forward to seem to be already announced or confirmed for "announcement" at E3. So, if we assume that they want to show TESV at E3 but not announce it there, then this rumored blown away GI may be just that.
Of course, you noticed all the assumtions we needed to make on this train of thought, so it may be nothing. I suppose we'll see.
Hey guys, I just found (I removed the link for language. Just search "Achievement Hunter Weekly Update" on youtube). It's the first of currently three videos (soon to be more) where Geoff Ramsey and Jack.... um... well, Jack "play detective," as Geoff says, and look for game announcements, DLC announcements, etc. Obviously, not official, but since Rooster Teeth is a business based around video games, it couldn't hurt to keep an eye out with the help of these guys.