@ UK47Howard: Have you tried going into 1st person? I play 1st person, and so it probably looks a bit weird in 3rd person, I've never checked. If that is the problem, then I can probably get around it for the next version.
@ DragoonWraith: Answering anyway! Scanti called it that, I can only presume, because he started off with the plugin as a means of trying to expose the depth buffer. He wasn't sure how well it worked, so it was a test, and he hasn't got round to renaming it yet. Perhaps he will later.
On a separate note, I just loaded up the game for the first time with all three shaders, and I was left speechless. The SSAO brings Oblivion to life, and the combination of all three is just mindboggling. I just want to say: good work, you guys. :thumbsup: :icecream: I'll try to get some screenies (unfortunately Fraps wasn't running).
EDIT: Oh, and UK47Howard: Your character should be in focus, in you are in 3rd person. The focus point is taken as the centre point on the screen, which in third person is where your head is. A side effect of a thoroughly rubbish 3rd person camera. I'll try to think of a better way of addressing this for the next version.
EDIT 2: Well, I think I just managed to cut about 30 maths functions calls and a unneeded function out of my DoF shader, which is always good.

I can't believe that it took me this long to realise it though. I think I might be able to cut out a bit more yet, hopefully simplifying the blur process. Anyway, here's some screenies of what I was raving about before:
http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/WrinklyNinja1/Oblivion2009-12-0814-45-54-40.jpg Quite a nice effect occurring here, could be considered a bug, but I like it.

http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/WrinklyNinja1/Oblivion2009-12-0814-46-34-57.jpg Possibly my favourite.