Ingnoring messageFailed to create buffer texture (INTZ).Failed to create buffer texture (DF24).Failed to create buffer texture (DF16).Depth buffer texture (RAWZ) (1440,900) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK.Ingnoring messageCreating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1440, Height = 900Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Added to list OK.Received ExitGame messageCalling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.
Ingnoring messageFailed to create buffer texture (INTZ).Failed to create buffer texture (DF24).Failed to create buffer texture (DF16).Depth buffer texture (RAWZ) (1440,900) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK.Ingnoring messageCreating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1440, Height = 900Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Added to list OK.Received ExitGame messageCalling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.
float3 rawval = floor( 255.0 * tex2D(Depth, tcoord).arg +0.5);float z = dot( rawval, float3(0.996093809371817670572857294849,0.0038909914428586627756752238080039,1.5199185323666651467481343000015e-5) / 255.0);