Somehow I missed these posts:
@ Wrinklyninja
How about we compile the current list of current shaders, and possibly my new bloom once its finished, into a alpha package. We could have a preset shaderlist so people stop asking about the black and white noise instead of reading the OP as they should. Then once more shaders and more versions come out, we can add on to that package with Scanti's updates and rewrites and call it an official BETA plugin. Then maybe in the distant future, we can have a GUI front.
Sounds good, though I was going to hold off the idea of such a package till the next version of Scanti's plugin. I've also got a very pointless colour inverter/amplifier that we could add to that.

My reasoning is that if we compiled a single release right now, we'd get not much different from what we can get anyway. If we wait till we've got variable passing functions, and whatever else is coming with the next plugin, then we can get a massive leap in progress towards a decent foundation, with Oblivion-side scripting letting us have and MGE-like interface and automagic variable modification and stuff like that. That would then present a solid 'core' to which we could then improve upon and add shaders to at our leisure. Also, I'm sure we could all do with the extra time to improve stuff further.

When I used your shader, I thought on it myself. My thoughts were to not just sample the very central pixel, but some additional pixels around that point as well. You could one of the following with those pixels:
1) Average these values together in some manner to get a single depth.
2) Identify a focus range, where the central point identifies one limit of your min/max range, and the average fills the other. This would be less realistic, but it would allow instant focusing on objects, which would be nice in hectic battles where you're moving around a lot.
In any case, you might want to try a variety of ideas to find the best effect.
Now, the trick is to increase this sampling radius when the player turns the camera (this would probably have to be delivered in a shader constant), then when the camera stops moving too much, reduce it over a second or so to practically just a single point so it "focuses" on what the player is pointing at. You could imagine it being a lot similar to the targeting reticule in FPS games. When the player turns, the reticule spreads out, but when they stop moving and focus on their target, it gets smaller and smaller over time until they are cross hairs, indicating maximum accuracy.
What do you think?
Very good ideas.

I'm not keen on 2), but 1) and the camera tricks idea are good. I'll play around with 1), and see how it looks, and possibly include it in the next version. I must thank you for your blur effect in SSAO, it gave me a few good ideas, as well as weighting values to improve my blur, which looks a lot better now. I think I just didn't have enough samples to get a decent effect before too.
EDIT: I tried the averaging of the focus depth, taking a 5x5 block around the centre pixel, but I found that you'd either have to take a very big block, or just average between a bunch of pixels at regular intervals. Trouble is, if you take those intervals, and they happen to have a very large depth difference, your focus goes way out. And I'm too lazy to deal with corrective statistics.
I also thought a bit about the reticule size changing idea, and that would be possible with my current setup plus the ability to change variables via the CS, as I could do that through Oblivion scripting, I think.