Ingnoring message.RESZ not supported.Failed to create buffer texture (INTZ).Depth buffer texture (DF24) (1920,1200) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK.Releasing the original depth surface.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1920, Height = 1200Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Shader compilation errors occuredDepthOfField.fxI:\Games\Oblivion\data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx(1,1): error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token '<'I:\Games\Oblivion\data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx(771,2): error X1504: invalid preprocessor command 'pgProtocolHandler'Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Added to list OK.Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.So it is not loading the depth of field.
Ingnoring message.RESZ not supported.Failed to create buffer texture (INTZ).Depth buffer texture (DF24) (1920,1200) created OK.Depth buffer attached OK.Releasing the original depth surface.Received load game message.Loading a game.Creating vertex buffers.Creating screen texture.Width = 1920, Height = 1200Setting screen surface.Setting depth texture.Loading the shaders.Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.ddsLoading texture (data\textures\ssao\ effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)Shader compilation errors occuredDepthOfField.fxI:\Games\Oblivion\data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx(1,1): error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token '<'I:\Games\Oblivion\data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx(771,2): error X1504: invalid preprocessor command 'pgProtocolHandler'Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader.fx)Setting effects screen texture.Added to list OK.Received ExitGame message.Calling Release DeviceReleasing thisframe surface.Releasing lastpass surface.Releasing lastframe surface.Releasing thisframe texture.Releasing lastpass texture.Releasing lastframe texture.Releasing shader vertex buffer.So it is not loading the depth of field.
//TWEAKABLE VARIABLES.bool DoDistanceBlur = false; //If true, reduces DoF to a distance blurring effect, ie. things far away are blurred more than things close up.bool DoWeaponBlur = false; //If false, anything really close to you, like your weapon, will not be blurred no matter where your focus is.float DoFAmount = 5;//The maximum level of blur. A higher value will give you more blur.float FullFocusRange = 0.1; //If a point's depth is within +/- this value of the depth of the focus point, then it is not blurred.float NoFocusRange = 0.4; //If a point's depth is outwith +/- this value of the depth of the focus point, then it has the maximum level of blur applied to DepthPower = 30; /*Controls the linearity of depth. Higher values will stretch it out more, so you can get the range spread further into the distance that you see in game.Suggested Values:Normal DoF: 19Distance Blur: 5001 */thanks again.