You make building custom shaders looks so dam simple and still I can get one to work. I think it's because I am thinking on everything at the same time and then it does not fall into place.
When I look into a shader, I see the input and output, I anolyze it and decide if my skills are enough for it which is level 1.

I can't say I understand the sharpen shader at all. But I knew I could make it work. It is a simple shader fragment which needs a title and credits. My shader progress is funny:
My first ever shader, just paints whole screen purple! I was aiming at blue though.
Second one was painting some percent of screen to black based on the previous knowledge. I found a way to give it a purpose.
I added a logo to it later.
4th was godrays. First teaser shot.
Again it was achieved by accident. I had to rewrite it from scratch after that. It was painful, while I could understand what I must do, my inexperience on shaders was holding me back. And it was so simple, brilliantly, I had this sense of being chased, like somebody would make it before me. Silly me. After I finished it, I was worn off. Essentially somebody wrote a better one based on FarCry 2.
I was worn off, but I was not empty. I wrote more shaders after that. So I am OK with the syntax now, I can convert any shader if input variables are available. I'm able to add from myself in the process too.

Shaders are easy. The 2D aspect is more like photoshop. Anything you can do to a image with photoshop(almost) can be converted into a shader. I can help anyone with their questions on shaders from a newbie to another style.

That's Crytek's code in there - May the lord Grud forgive me.
Crytek's color mood shader was converted for MGE too.
I think those are using it.
We should combine projects, MGE and OGE or at least the shader repositories. While waiting for a new version of OGE, one can practice and develop shaders for MGE and testing/perfecting them. Right now converting a shader from MGE to OGE needs at most 10 letters worth of changes.