I downloaded the TestShaders 3.7, God rays, Edge detection and SSAO. LoadShader is not found either.
- I don't know if I am missing something?
Did you download the plugin in the OP? If you did then follow these instructions-
*How do I install OGE and other shaders?Download the shaders and plugin from the links above. In the plugin archive, the DepthTest.dll goes in your "data/obse/plugins" folder. The shaders, both in the plugin archive and the ones you download seperately, go in your "data/shaders" folder.
The next step is to open up the "shaderlist.txt" in your "data/shaders" folder. Remove its contents, as these are example plugins that do not produce playable effects. Then add the names of the shader files you have installed and wish to see the effects of into the file. Make sure to spell them exactly, and include the .fx extension. There is a specific order required for the file names added, as detailed in the next question.
To see the effects in game, you must open up your console and enter "ShowTestShader". To disable the effects, again open the console, but this time enter "ShowTestShader 0".
If you downloaded Scanti's latest test found on page 2 of this thread, you won't have much luck. Download the plugin from the OP.
(make sure your running oblivion with OBSE active through the OBSE loader)