OGE "Oblivion Graphics Extender"

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 am


or "Oblivion Graphics Extender", is currently a work in progress addition for OBSE, a modular for TES:IV Oblivion.

While it is still in its EARLY!!! stages, the dedicated modders are working hard to bring a new age to Oblivion. If you would like to contribute, please feel free to participate in the sharing of knowledge and ideas to help us strive to complete our goal. Also if you find useful resources that can benefit the project, please feel free to share them as well.

This is a open discussion thread for OGE and its development. Please respect the hard working people that take their time to bring this project together. If you see any other OGE related threads about bugs or problems, please direct them to this thread.

If you are running into problems and errors, please read the OP and the FAQ very carefully! If your question is not answered, then list your problem in detail with your depthshaderlog.txt and any other additional error checking messages.

Thank You



A few screens to see the current stuff in action



*Is this a RELz? Should I download this?
OGE, like MGE, will be a growing project with many new applications added on with each feature. So far we only have a few test plugins and shaders but we encourage all to try them out.

*Does this require OBSE? If so any specific version?
Yes it does require OBSE. As for the version, currently we are not sure. Best to just keep the current OBSE in release.

*How do I install OGE and other shaders?
Download the shaders and plugin from the links above. In the plugin archive, the DepthTest.dll goes in your "data/obse/plugins" folder. The shaders, both in the plugin archive and the ones you download seperately, go in your "data/shaders" folder.

The next step is to open up the "shaderlist.txt" in your "data/shaders" folder. Remove its contents, as these are example plugins that do not produce playable effects. Then add the names of the shader files you have installed and wish to see the effects of into the file. Make sure to spell them exactly, and include the .fx extension. There is a specific order required for the file names added, as detailed in the next question.

To see the effects in game, you must open up your console and enter "ShowTestShader". To disable the effects, again open the console, but this time enter "ShowTestShader 0".

*Does OGE require any specific hardware to run?
The shaders are compatible with both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards, although both the Godrays and Depth Of Field shaders require a Shader Model 3 compliant graphics card to run. Any NVIDIA graphics card that is GeForce 6 Series (released 2004) or newer supports Shader Model 3.0. Any ATI graphics card that is Radeon X1000 Series (released 2005) or newer supports Shader Model 3.0.

*Can I add to this project?
Yes feel free to add as many things as you want.

Creating shader effects requires knowledge of programming in HLSL or ASM, while helping Scanti with the OBSE plugin requires knowledge of C, DirectX core functionality and the OBSE plugin system. For those who are not programming-capable, contribution is more limited, though we welcome support and whatever else you can bring to the project. Especially cake or ice cream.

*I found a bug...
Good for you. If you find a bug, please list the error in-detail here. We can help you more when you explain the problem better

*My Godrays is just a searchlight in clear weather.
First off, Godrays is best displayed on cloudy weather types, in the morning from 6 to 8am and 7 to 9pm. But if you get the searchlight effect, you have to edit the shader FOV for Godrays to match your ingame FOV for oblivion. Example would be if your playing Oblivion on a 95 FOV, you have to edit your Godrays to a 95 FOV. The shader line should be "DefineFOV" near the top of the code.

*Which version of OGE do I use?
So far, any version is confirmed to work. We haven't really fully tested them yet but its safe to just use Scanti's updates (as they are needed to run shaders.)

*How do I reduce over bright kill and whiteout in the sky when I stare at the sun with Godrays Enabled?
Use http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/NoGlare.7z texture fix for sunglare and disable HDR. You can optionally enable bloom to keep some white effect and brightness of the sun.

*Why do objects in the distant have weird black stuff on them when fog weather is active?
That is from the test SSAO. The author stated that it had some fog bugs. Until it's fixed, they will be there.

*I get blue light rays during the day time.
Go in the godray.fx file and reduced the "static const float saturate = 0.540f;" from 540 to 040, this will decrease the saturation values to prevent your screen from turning blue.

*Once I got Godrays to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?
The method used to expose the information used to create the shader effects is incompatible with Anti-Aliasing. This is reported to be the case on both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards. No confirmed solution is available at this time.

*My screen is all blue?
Blue Screening can result from a number of problems, mostly with related to your graphics card. Make sure you atleast have a PS 3.0 graphics card and have the required DirectX in the OP download. Also make sure you spelled each and every shader named EXACTLY as they should be spelled, adding the (.fx) as well.

What is the Proper Shader Load Order
As pertaining to MGE, this should be the order of your shader list with the current release of shaders.

-Edge detection shader

*What is the most recent version of this project?
As of sunday, 01/09/10 at 11:17 PM ,Scanti's Latest Test http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/OBGEv2.dll- USE AT OWN RISK.
ShowTestShader command not presently set in. To load shaders, simply use the LoadShader "" command in the console menu.

This project is a Test Alpha. Expect bugs with some things like created new shaders and problems trying to run it yourself.

( I loved the introduction from the previous thread :wub: so I copied and edit it. If some of those links are outdated please tell me :whisper: )
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 am

Do i need to download the original OBGE plugin? Or is it included in one of the download links here already.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm

Cheers for the new thread. :)

@ Johny Obliv: No, the original plugin is completely unrelated to OGE at the moment. Everything you need is linked to in the OP.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:05 am

A few old requests from previous thread :angel:

1.No more rain when under cover

QUOTE (povuholo @ Jan 4 2010, 12:40 AM)
Is there a big difference between Morrowind's and Oblivion's rain? Because the Morrowind Code Patch does allow for this. It's not the perfect solution, but it works alright.

From this thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.ph...1066258&hl=

2.Being able to see the clouds move on the ground

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoFSY4s46Yw
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1rRURaUUm0&feature=related
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7vQ9I6kwgY&feature=player_embedded#

Found some articles (not sure if it has 100% relevant info):

- http://nis-lab.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~nis/abs_sig.html#sig93 "A Simple, Efficient Method for Realistic Animation of Clouds,"
- http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2093.asp

3.Better water for oblivion

Some inspiration:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTc_h3AEo4k
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJfppsxdoBE&feature=related
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78tqx7vWiJM&feature=related

This one is very tricky and probably requires a lot of skill. If anyone is interested, articles on "how to" is posted in previous OGE threads.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm

Finally you got a pic up showing the SSAO shader :celebration:
Though I think you should mention the Motion Blur shader too, as it is/was also a part of this project I beleive.
And I think you should also add a quick hotfix for the stacking shader effects in it. :)
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 pm

There were a couple of new shaders released in the previous thread that haven't been mentioned in the OP. Not to mention some good screenshots. Might want to take a look at that.

In any case, I mucked around with edge AA. A quick hack job revealed that the effect isn't that apparent. http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/ ( the first 6 ).
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 pm

Maybe you could make the area of pixels which it blurs a little bigger? Or maybe make the blur passes a bit stronger. But keep it up!
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 pm

Cheers for the new thread. :)

@ Johny Obliv: No, the original plugin is completely unrelated to OGE at the moment. Everything you need is linked to in the OP.

Okay, thanks for your answer. :foodndrink:

And another thing, look at this:

*How do I reduce over bright kill and whiteout in the sky when I stare at the sun with Godrays Enabled?
Use This texture fix for sunglare and disable HDR. You can optionally enable bloom to keep some white effect and brightness of the sun.

Isn't there supposed to be a link at This?
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:15 pm

That'll only make the effect look (more)like the normal edge filter, with edges that have the color of their neighboring pixels.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:03 pm

Once we get a new plugin from Scanti, I mentioned to Wrinklyninja about packing together a set of shaders for an offical beta of OGE. I have two shaders I wanted to include.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 pm

I believe that's what scanti himself intends to do.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 pm

Wrinklyninja PM'd him about it. Its a done deal as I just finished reading the last thread. I been gone for a while, I didn't know we had more shaders either. They should be posted in the OP.
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Ellie English
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:05 am

Wrinklyninja PM'd him about it.

I did?

I gave him permission to use my DoF shader, although also up for inclusion are my two novelty shaders http://cid-465896b69b9940e8.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Oblivion%20Shaders/BlurHighlight.fx and http://cid-465896b69b9940e8.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Oblivion%20Shaders/InvertColours.fx. I haven't had any private contact with scanti at all though, just what I post here. Heck, I haven't even done any shader stuff in a couple of weeks.

Just went to see Avatar for the second time, and took advantage of the opportunity to get an eyeful of scenery porm. Dear god does it look good. 3D doesn't hurt, especially the circularily polarised light/silver screen/projector/glasses setup they use. It's probably the best method to get 3D using passive eyewear, with a decent viewing angle and full colour range. It was pretty neat seeing what is essentially a Depth Of Field effect used to such an end. I also thought it was cool that I know enough of the sciences that I can understand pretty much all the principles the effect is based on, and that barring the interface software, I could replicate my own 3D setup. :D Of course, being the poor student I am, never going to happen, but it's still nice to know you could. :)

I might experiment with an Anaglyph 3D effect though, since barring the need for the glasses, I can do that pretty easily. I know iZ3D already makes a driver for it, but heck, why not?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 pm

Just went to see Avatar for the second time, and took advantage of the opportunity to get an eyeful of scenery porm. Dear god does it look good. 3D doesn't hurt, especially the circularily polarised light/silver screen/projector/glasses setup they use. It's probably the best method to get 3D using passive eyewear, with a decent viewing angle and full colour range. It was pretty neat seeing what is essentially a Depth Of Field effect used to such an end. I also thought it was cool that I know enough of the sciences that I can understand pretty much all the principles the effect is based on, and that barring the interface software, I could replicate my own 3D setup. :D Of course, being the poor student I am, never going to happen, but it's still nice to know you could. :)

I might experiment with an Anaglyph 3D effect though, since barring the need for the glasses, I can do that pretty easily. I know iZ3D already makes a driver for it, but heck, why not?

That's a coincidence I've just ordered a pair of http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_vr920.html glasses to play around with. :)

Back on topic. I've finished rewriting the texture manager. I just need to test it to make sure it isn't leaking memory like a sieve like the previous version I wrote. Once that's OK I just need to write the save/load routines (which is one of those fiddly things to code) and I'll be ready for the first release. Once the release is stable then I'll add the HUD functions.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

I did?

Oh I thought you did, I must of read a post wrong. My mistake, its been a crazy crazy new years for me...no need to explain details but im recovering from it.

Avatar was an amazing movie. I didn't see it in 3D, but it still blew me away. I actually read that people were experiencing signs of nausia after the movie due to the 3D effects. I tried your Invert Colors shader. I thought it looked pretty cool (it beat the shader I tried writing off that effect.)
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:38 pm

I actually read that people were experiencing signs of nausia after the movie due to the 3D effects.

I had a splitting headache after a few minutes out of the theater, myself. They make it so its like having your eye separation widened to a foot or so, even greater for scenic shots. I think the headache was due to the enormous exaggeration of depth used in the movie, and the ordeal of having to return to everyday depth after a couple of hours of the exaggerated stuff. Strange I didn't have the problem going into it, only coming out.

Didn't have the problem when I was playing Half-life with 3D stereoscopy. Wish more games rendered the HUD at the correct depth. In Oblivion, when I last tried it, there was this weird issue where the torch lights (the animated flame, basically) and similar sprites would separate incorrectly and move from the correct position in both frames. But that was the only problem. The parallax shader is beautiful in stereoscopy, though.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 pm

WOW! Godrays! :drool: Looks freaking awesome!
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Though I think you should mention the Motion Blur shader too, as it is/was also a part of this project I beleive.
And I think you should also add a quick hotfix for the stacking shader effects in it. :)

Thanks for letting me know, could you please provide me with some links :angel:

There were a couple of new shaders released in the previous thread that haven't been mentioned in the OP. Not to mention some good screenshots. Might want to take a look at that.

Thanks shadeMe, I have added your edge detection shader and a few more pictures. Is there more shaders I have forgotten and pictures you would like to see in the OP.
I was also wondering where your edge detection shader should be placed in the Shader Load Order ?

And another thing, look at this:

Isn't there supposed to be a link at This?

Thank you, fixed it :icecream:
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 pm

Motion Blur was a product of the old OBGE, and thus requires it. Perhaps for now it would be better not to include it in the list of OGE stuff, at least until we can confirm it's compatibility with Scanti's plugin or re-write it for OGE. :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

I agree with you wrinklyninja :nod:

New pictures:


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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

Thanks shadeMe, I have added your edge detection shader and a few more pictures. Is there more shaders I have forgotten and pictures you would like to see in the OP.
I was also wondering where your edge detection shader should be placed in the Shader Load Order ?
Anywhere, actually. It samples the depth texture for the effect so the load order won't matter much (except). You might want to put it before those that bur the scene (DoF, GodRays & SSAO) though. Doing so will cause the edges to get blurred as well (which should be intended). So, bottom most position.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 pm

I found an old pic of the new Bloom/fake HDR color shader I was working on. Its really subtle but my latest work on things is way different.
Also here are some photos showing the Toggle Distance Blur effect for the Depth of Field v4. If the OP can add the following screens, we can display more effects.
And here are old, but good pictures showing Depth of Field and Godrays.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:37 pm

For those people interested I have a very Beta/Alpha pre-release version of my OBGE plug-in. This plug-in replaces the original version of OBGE so if you have that installed then you'll have to remove it otherwise it will conflict with my plug-in. (It will also be a good idea to remove the DepthTest plug-in as well otherwise the ShaderList.txt shaders will get processed twice).

I haven't implemented all the original OBGE commands yet (like none of the HUD commands) however they do exist and will compile (they just won't do anything).

I haven't implemented the remembering of your active plug-ins when saving/loading. I'm working on that at the moment.

This plug-in should be compatible with Timeslip's version however you will probably have to recompile any scripts that use any OBGE commands and I've changed the name of the plug-in to OBGEv2.

This plug-in will still process the ShaderList.txt file however you won't be able to alter the shaders using any scripting commands. (They are effectively invisible to Oblivion). If you want to be able to change the settings of a shader you will have to load it manually using the LoadShader command.

You can download the plug-in for testing from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/OBGEv2.dll. (Please note that I haven't packaged this in a nice neat zip file and just have the dll file. This is because it's for advanced users only at the moment. If you don't know what to do with the dll file then this download isn't for you and you should wait for the proper tested release).

I'm still testing this plug-in so if you come across any bugs then let me know.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 pm

Beautiful screenshots, will add them straight away to OP :goodjob:

Highly appreciate your work scanti, will try it later today, thanks man :foodndrink:
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:01 pm

Cool, I'll grab that and start testing for you. :)
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Danial Zachery
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