OGE "Oblivion Graphics Extender"

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:57 am


or "Oblivion Graphics Extender", is currently a work in progress addition for OBSE, a modular for TES:IV Oblivion.

While it is still in its EARLY stages, the dedicated modders are working hard to bring a new age to Oblivion. If you would like to contribute, please feel free to participate in the sharing of knowledge and ideas to help us strive to complete our goal. If you are able to find useful resources that can benefit the project, please feel free to share them as well.

This is a open discussion thread for OGE and its development. Please respect the hard working people that take their time to bring this project together. If you see any other OGE related threads about bugs or problems, please direct them to this thread.

If you are running into problems and errors, please read the OP and the FAQ very carefully! If your question is not answered, then list your problem in detail with your depthshaderlog.txt and any other additional error checking messages.

Thank you.

Catch up with previous information through the link provided, or simply navigate the previous thread on your own.



http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/Godrays.fx (Right click and hit save target as)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2584752/CelShader.fx (now includes edge AA by default)


Download the shaders and OGE plugin from the links above. In the plugin archive, the DepthTest.dll goes in your "data/obse/plugins" folder. The shaders, both in the plugin archive and the ones you download seperately, go in your "data/shaders" folder.

The next step is to open up the "shaderlist.txt" in your "data/shaders" folder. Remove its contents, as these are example plugins that do not produce playable effects. Then add the names of the shader files you have installed and wish to see the effects of into the file. Make sure to spell them exactly, and include the .fx extension. There is a specific order required for the file names added, as listed below.

To see the effects in game, you must open up your console and enter "ShowTestShader". To disable the effects, again open the console, but this time enter "ShowTestShader 0".

Proper shader load order.

As pertaining to MGE, this should be the order of your shader list with the current release of shaders.

-Edge detection shader
-Any other shaders available

Screenshots of the current stuff in action.

SSAO - http://www.makeagif.com/i/NFl-X3 http://www.makeagif.com/i/6mZVp-
Godrays - http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/8215/sunrisef.jpg http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/3904/36697537.png http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/678/skyview03.jpg http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/4836/omgheaven02.jpg http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8284/omggray02.jpg http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/1994/god101.jpg http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/9109/dofhand01.jpg
Depth of Field v2 - http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3404/dofview01.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8996/dofv2.jpg http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/6130/dofv2a.jpg
Toggleable Distance Blur (available in v4) - http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8114/distantblur02.jpg http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2908/distantblur01.jpg
Edge Detection Shader - http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/?action=view¤t=Oblivion2009-12-1613-02-40-00.jpg http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/?action=view¤t=Oblivion2009-12-1914-23-01-81.jpg http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/?action=view¤t=Oblivion2009-12-1613-07-41-94.jpg http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/?action=view¤t=Oblivion2009-12-1505-54-41-43.jpg
Color Mood Shader - http://filesmelt.com/dl/b92GnD.gif http://filesmelt.com/dl/p8Af-t.gif


*Is this a RELz? Should I download this?
OGE, like MGE, will be a growing project with many new applications added on with each feature. So far we only have a few test plugins and shaders but we encourage all to try them out.

*Does this require OBSE? If so any specific version?
Yes it does require OBSE. As for the version, currently we are not sure. Best to just keep the http://obse.silverlock.org/beta/obse_0018_beta_6.zip.

*Does OGE require any specific hardware to run?
The shaders are compatible with both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards, although both the Godrays and Depth Of Field shaders require a Shader Model 3 compliant graphics card to run. Any NVIDIA graphics card that is GeForce 6 Series (released 2004) or newer supports Shader Model 3.0. Any ATI graphics card that is Radeon X1000 Series (released 2005) or newer supports Shader Model 3.0.

*Can I add to this project?
Yes feel free to add as many things as you want.

Creating shader effects requires knowledge of programming in HLSL or ASM, while helping Scanti with the OBSE plugin requires knowledge of C, DirectX core functionality and the OBSE plugin system. For those who are not programming-capable, contribution is more limited, though we welcome support and whatever else you can bring to the project. Especially cake or ice cream.

*I found a bug...
Good for you. If you find a bug, please list the error in-detail here. We can help you more when you explain the problem better

*My Godrays is just a searchlight in clear weather.
First off, Godrays is best displayed on cloudy weather types, in the morning from 6 to 8am and 7 to 9pm. But if you get the searchlight effect, you have to edit the shader FOV for Godrays to match your ingame FOV for oblivion. Example would be if your playing Oblivion on a 95 FOV, you have to edit your Godrays to a 95 FOV. The shader line should be "DefineFOV" near the top of the code.

*Which version of OGE do I use?
So far, any version is confirmed to work. We haven't really fully tested them yet but its safe to just use Scanti's updates (as they are needed to run shaders.)

*How do I reduce over bright kill and whiteout in the sky when I stare at the sun with Godrays Enabled?
Use http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/NoGlare.7z texture fix for sunglare and disable HDR. You can optionally enable bloom to keep some white effect and brightness of the sun.

*Why do objects in the distant have weird black stuff on them when fog weather is active?
That is from the test SSAO. The author stated that it had some fog bugs. Until it's fixed, they will be there.

*I get blue light rays during the day time.
Go in the godray.fx file and reduced the "static const float saturate = 0.540f;" from 540 to 040, this will decrease the saturation values to prevent your screen from turning blue.

*Once I got Godrays to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?
The method used to expose the information used to create the shader effects is incompatible with Anti-Aliasing. This is reported to be the case on both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards. No confirmed solution is available at this time.

*My screen is all blue?
Blue Screening can result from a number of problems, mostly with related to your graphics card. Make sure you atleast have a PS 3.0 graphics card and have the required DirectX in the OP download. Also make sure you spelled each and every shader named EXACTLY as they should be spelled, adding the (.fx) as well.

*SSAO demolishes my FPS; any ideas?
http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1060479&st=160&p=15476196&#entry15476196 provided by BDBB is worth a shot, it's helped quite a few people.

*What is the most recent version of this project?
As of sunday, 01/09/10 at 11:17 PM, Scanti's Latest Test http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519253/OBGEv2.dll - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
"Showtestshader" command is not fully implemented. To load shaders, simply use the LoadShader "" command in the console menu. (also allows for use of selective shaders, instead of all at once)

This project is in a Test Alpha Phase. Expect bugs when using newly created shaders, or when using/tweaking the shaders on your own.

Introduction has stayed constant, with some minor edits by myself; last posted by http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showuser=334151.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:28 pm

Thank you Snow_EP for opening a new thread :foodndrink:
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:52 pm

Cheers for the new thread. Could the red font colour be changed for something a bit more readable though?

Some links to stuff brought out in the last thread, and summary of points of interest:


Regarding current state of OGE/DepthTest/OBGEv2: (excerpt from a discussion, quotes are ABO and myself)
That doesn't sound right... everything I've read suggests that OBGEv2 (OBGEv2.dll) is a drop in replacement for OBGE v0.1 (obge.dll), and they would not work together at all. OBGE Debugged was a version of OBGE v0.1 that attempted to fix the CTD bugs, but seems to introduce some new visual bugs. OGE v3 (DepthTest.dll) is something totally different, and can probably be used alongside OBGE v0.1 (or OBGE Debugged), but not OBGEv2 (since DepthTest.dll and OBGEv2.dll both will load ShaderList.txt). I believe OBGEv2 is effectively a bugfix and merge of OBGE v0.1 and OGE v3, though the console commands exposed are probably the same as OBGE v0.1, not OGE v3.

The reason scanti thought a recompile of the esp scripts might be required is he added some optional arguments to two of the OBGE commands, and he was not sure if this would mean a recompile would be needed.

As I understand it, OGE has focused on implementing fancy shaders, but doesn't offer many hooks for scripters to control those shaders. OBGE v0.1 implements shaders with some unfortunate bugs, but provides hooks to scripters for controlling those shaders. OBGEv2 is using the OGE shader implementation and adds the OBGE v0.1 hooks for scripters to control those shaders. So OBGEv2 is OGE shader goodness with OBGE scripting goodness... the best of both worlds :-)

ABO has it right, AFAIK. You can't load OBGE and OBGEv2 at the same time because there are a number of incompatibilities, such as functions with different methods (they're coded different) but the same name - making it impossible to tell which you want to use, and opcode conflicts (I think that's what Scanti said), and OBGEv2 is intended as a complete replacement. I am also interested in the need to recompile OBGE scripts, I'll do some testing on that later on today.

As ABO has said, the DepthTest.dll plugins (that which you refer to as OGE), have concentrated on opening up more information for the creation of more complex shaders, and have only very simple console/scripting usage. The OBGEv2 alpha plugin combines these advances in what information shader writers have access to with the large amount of console/scripting control the original OBGE gave modders, as well as fixing some bugs with the original OBGE and adding a few more features.

OBGEv2 is an early alpha stage OBSE plugin intended as a replacement for both Timeslip's OBGE and Scanti's earlier DepthTest (also referred to as OGE) plugins. It was released so that people could test it for bugs, and so that eager shader-writers/modders could get working on the new stuff it brought us.

However, if you're not prepared to use the plugin for testing/creation purposes, or you don't really know what's going on, then I suggest you don't use it. It's not user-friendly ATM, I suggest waiting for a proper release when it will actually have documentation and be at a stable/finished state.

Early testing I've done indicates that it is compatible with mods created using the original OBGE, but that's all still subject to change, as Scanti himself said that such mods would probably need their scripts recompiled to work with OBGEv2, so my evidence is contradictory.

For easier recall.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 pm

Hey guys :)

Fantastic work here everyone! Im loving the extended graphics! =P

Currently I have Godrays working great, although sometimes it seems when I see them through trees, the rays seem pixilated or something? If someone doesnt understand, Ill post a screenshot.

I love the effect of SSAO, but It DESTROYS my fps. Ive tried setting the samples to 1 and the area to 9.2 like that, but it didnt really help that much... Any other suggestions? I'll keep playing with it... I can get system specs if needed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 pm

Cheers for the new thread. Could the red font colour be changed for something a bit more readable though?

Some links to stuff brought out in the last thread, and summary of points of interest:


Regarding current state of OGE/DepthTest/OBGEv2: (excerpt from a discussion, quotes are ABO and myself)

For easier recall.

Done and done; the OP is also edited for more streamlined use. And if you could please attempt to implement that clouds shader, it would be wonderful, I don't really care if they don't line up with the clouds in the sky.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 pm

Hey guys :)

Fantastic work here everyone! Im loving the extended graphics! =P

Currently I have Godrays working great, although sometimes it seems when I see them through trees, the rays seem pixilated or something? If someone doesnt understand, Ill post a screenshot.

I love the effect of SSAO, but It DESTROYS my fps. Ive tried setting the samples to 1 and the area to 9.2 like that, but it didnt really help that much... Any other suggestions? I'll keep playing with it... I can get system specs if needed.

Unfortunately the SSAO shader is not the most optimized; and seeing as you've already applied the fix, you've basically done all you can do. At this I'd simply wait for a newer, more well optimized release.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 pm

sigh... okay :) thanks for the help...
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 pm

Glad I was able to help with that second post by being the one who needed correcting. :)


More shaders appearing and I think it would be keen if next to the download link of each there is a short description of what they do and maybe two screenshots (1st and 3rd person) that illustrates shader.

thanks for considering.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 pm

I think we should post only screens of a unmodded Oblivion, that only shows all the shaders at work. It would give new people a better idea of how stuff looks and works compared to a vanilla oblivion.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 pm

I think we should post only screens of a unmodded Oblivion, that only shows all the shaders at work. It would give new people a better idea of how stuff looks and works compared to a vanilla oblivion.

Before/after would be better.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm

In regards to the SSAO shader, I also had the fps issue so I dropped the samples to 1 and increased the area to 9.2, which worked great. Then i decide to mess around a bit, and I found that it didn't matter what I set the area size to. So i get the same effect with samples at 1 and area at the default 1.7. I didn't lose/gain any fps with the different areas either. idk if anyone else wants to try to see what the result is.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:54 pm

What is the Crysis Color Mood Shader all about? Any screenshots of that floating around?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

How about we create a Nexus page for this? I've been thinking of it for a while, but since we've got a fair number of shaders on offer now, and a ton of screenshots, we can upload them all there, and have a central storage place for everything. Then, once the project gets organised, we can use it as the project page too, for downloading Scanti's stuff as well. For the moment though, I'm thinking just shaders and screenshots.

If we give all the shader writing people editing access, then they can update their shaders and related info on them as they want, no hassle.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm

I think thats a good ide wrinklyninja, beacuse I believe that many modders on tesnexus doesn't stop by bethesda forums very often :thumbsup:
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 am

How about we create a Nexus page for this? I've been thinking of it for a while, but since we've got a fair number of shaders on offer now, and a ton of screenshots, we can upload them all there, and have a central storage place for everything. Then, once the project gets organised, we can use it as the project page too, for downloading Scanti's stuff as well. For the moment though, I'm thinking just shaders and screenshots.

If we give all the shader writing people editing access, then they can update their shaders and related info on them as they want, no hassle.
Well, I think that's a bit premature seeing that all of these shaders are run using various dev./alpha builds of the actual plugin. It would be better to wait until we see a beta release from scanti before we go about on actively spreading the word around.

I've uploaded a new version of the edge detection shader (same link) that includes the edgeAA feature. Screenshots can be found in this http://s659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/ (the newest 4 that look Oblivion-esque). It uses the blur code from the DoF shader, taps and all - I hope wrinklyninja doesn't mind.

Mood Color Difference -> http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c1.jpg \ http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c2.jpg | http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c3.jpg \ http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c4.jpg . The best usage scenario would be to write a mod using OGE's script functions to use the shader to dynamically change the filter color at runtime, depending upon environ, weather and suchlike.

PS : The OP calls the OGE source repository a "dump". While not far from the truth, I suggest that it be changed to clarify.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:13 am

I wasn't meaning as a release, or to spread the word - it's just getting near the point where we'll have a lot of stuff spread all over the place, and it will get very messy, and harder to organise later. I'm sure if we put enough discouraging warnings, as well as notes saying there will be no support for any problems people encounter, then few people will download it thinking it's ok to use, without knowing what they're doing.

And feel free to use the blur. I'm pretty sure I ripped the blur weights off the SSAO shader myself. :P
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 pm

Mood Color Difference -> http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c1.jpg \ http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c2.jpg | http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c3.jpg \ http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu320/shademe/shader%20stuff/c4.jpg . The best usage scenario would be to write a mod using OGE's script functions to use the shader to dynamically change the filter color at runtime, depending upon environ, weather and suchlike.

A mod called (ScreenEffects v1.0) gives full in game colour adjustment options and it was even used in a weather mod called (All Natural) in the (Enhanced Seasons with ScreenEffects v1.0 Support). It is removed currently but it is planned to be rebuild.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 pm

ScreenEffects was good for simple effects control, and a handy way for the average modder to tap into shader effects. it's not a solution for what we're looking to do though, which is above and beyond it's scope. SE is basically what prompted me to learn shader programming, but once you know that, SE becomes unneeded, as it's middleware, but you can bypass it.

And I don't think SE is actually used in anything anymore. I'm pretty sure the only mods that used it were the Enhanced Seasons feature in EW and AN, and Ambient Dungeons. I rewrote both to directly apply shaders though.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:59 pm

I wasn't meaning as a release, or to spread the word - it's just getting near the point where we'll have a lot of stuff spread all over the place, and it will get very messy, and harder to organise later. I'm sure if we put enough discouraging warnings, as well as notes saying there will be no support for any problems people encounter, then few people will download it thinking it's ok to use, without knowing what they're doing.

And feel free to use the blur. I'm pretty sure I ripped the blur weights off the SSAO shader myself. :P
I see. I'll inclined to agree with you about the organization bit though - The thread does tend to get cluttered. A Nexus page should look more presentable and easier to manage.

A mod called (ScreenEffects v1.0) gives full in game colour adjustment options and it was even used in a weather mod called (All Natural) in the (Enhanced Seasons with ScreenEffects v1.0 Support). It is removed currently but it is planned to be rebuild.
I know of it. The photo filter I posted can be seen as a slightly more refined version of SE's color manipulation feature. It should produce a more desirable effect than the latter's.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 pm

I really hope The (ScreenEffects v1.0) Mod will still be supported by the new OBGE.DDL versions. It is a really nice tool to manually adjust the in game visual settings. For as well game play as making really nice looking screenshots.
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 pm

Scanti, are you any closer to finding the surface normals ? :angel:
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

@ Sjors Boomscors: If you look at the 2nd post, you'll see that the testing I did showed that mods made with OBGE (Timeslip) worked perfectly well with OBGEv2. This should also apply to ScreenEffects, though I haven't tested it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:03 am

If someone could remake ScreenEffects to work with OBGEv2 that would be optimal I think. For the "average" modder who can't write shaders themselves it is a pretty useful tool. The only reason that I haven't yet started to use ScreenEffects for my mod is that there is the possibility of a new version coming out for this. You said yourself that the SE shaders are simlpe and easy to write, so including them in OBGEv2 shouldn't be too hard right? Pwease? :embarrass:

Great work guys by the way! :)
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

If someone could remake ScreenEffects to work with OBGEv2 that would be optimal I think. For the "average" modder who can't write shaders themselves it is a pretty useful tool. The only reason that I haven't yet started to use ScreenEffects for my mod is that there is the possibility of a new version coming out for this. You said yourself that the SE shaders are simlpe and easy to write, so including them in OBGEv2 shouldn't be too hard right? Pwease? :embarrass:

Great work guys by the way! :)
What the ninja said in his last post. The mod itself won't be updated in the foreseeable future, as its author has basically left the modding scene. And to my knowledge, there isn't another working on an update for it.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:15 pm

If someone could remake ScreenEffects to work with OBGEv2 that would be optimal I think. For the "average" modder who can't write shaders themselves it is a pretty useful tool. The only reason that I haven't yet started to use ScreenEffects for my mod is that there is the possibility of a new version coming out for this. You said yourself that the SE shaders are simlpe and easy to write, so including them in OBGEv2 shouldn't be too hard right? Pwease? :embarrass:

Great work guys by the way! :)

I talked to him(qzilla) some time ago and got the rights to use his shader for Morrowind. But as stated, earlier version of OBGE is working with new OGE/OBGE perfectly. And the shader will work with only OGE too separately. The control from an ingame gui is another modder's job at the end, and I am sure those kind of functunality will be in new OGE's future. So there is absolutely no problem or conflicts to get screeneffects shader to work with new versions of OGE. In fact right now it should work right out of the box. Copy the fx file and load it, it will work, customization is similar with godrays shader. :)
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