And landscapes ? boarrfl... not the best episode in Morrowind
Maybe you see my point but frozen landscape are always taxing from a psychological point of view
From Icewind dale to World of Warcraft Throzen throne even with superb sceneries people does'nt wish to stay outside for camping.
Wow was very 'grandiose' but we naturally prefer to stay in the nvde on a carribean beach than in the snow, even in videogames.
So please do not put sow everywhere, that wil be boooring, maybe implementing seasons on a North Ireland type vegetation.
My second point is the tourist point of view: what surprise me most and make me want to play Morrowind was the very originality
of architecture in cities. Like being a child and stay 10 minutes in front of the Vivec temple just to admire the view.
I was willing to broke into houses just to look inside. Oblivion was far greater technically but with no surprise graphicaly and less original artistically (except ayleid ruins).
The OOhhh what are those strange construtions ? is the best ever feeling of curiosity you can handle ^^
I have a strong taste for exploring and the game have to be a good change of scene for me, I would like something new and pleasant to discover not white everywhere.
So plz no viking everywhere like in bloodmoon... or like your everyday B type game
