I remember that there was a piece of info regarding oil. I heard that you can light it on fire (of course), but I was wondering what is the use for it though? Could you maybe set the tip of your arrows on fire? Maybe light your sword on fire? Thoughts? Suggestions?
It's probably mainly for things like torches. But yeah, that idea with the arrows sounds pretty sweet. Who knows? there is supposed to be a lot of crafting.
I remember that there was a piece of info regarding oil. I heard that you can light it on fire (of course), but I was wondering what is the use for it though? Could you maybe set the tip of your arrows on fire? Maybe light your sword on fire? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Don't forget that several previews specifically stated that there were oil lanterns in the cave that the player shot arrows at to make the lantern fall and set some draugrs on fire.
Todd shot down a oil lamb during the demo and used it to start a fire amongst draugrs. It's just another element that will add to the experience of Skyrim. I doubt it will have any other purpose beyond that.
I thought it would just be really cool to light oil on fire :flamethrower:. But how powerful will the oil be when light on fire? Will the enemies actually die or will it just drain a lot of HP? :confused:
You missed the obvious choice of throwing a bottle of oil into a crowd and lighting them all on fire.
How about throwing a bottle over a crowd and exploding it overhead with a firebolt? :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed:
How about throwing a bottle over a crowd and exploding it overhead with a firebolt? :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed:
could just skip the middleman and throw fire into the crowd