it wasn't so much the way they were funny when they were for me in fnv - it was much more how they tried to forced funnyness (or at least funkyness, unseriousness, casualness, whatever you wanna call it) on pretty much _everything_, regardless of if it made sense, worked out or anything. like, was there ANY quest name in fnv that was NOT a reference to a pop title? it just was _too_much_. and really mostly the bits where it was totally uncalled for, since fnv also had countless examples of brilliant humor that perfectly worked out, they just should'v left it with these.
--- and, not totally on, but at least close to topic: one thing i totally cannot forgive obsidian ,-) is how their not knowing where to stop with the - admittedly - inevitable elvis pun in new vegas directly lead to (so i proclaim anyway
us and the fallout universe now being maltreated with rock'n'roll...!!!
rock'n'roll is what happened INSTEAD of the bombs falling, [censored]!!!!
it was the consequence of and reaction to a hypocritical society and corrupt morals as it's portrayed by the fallout universe,
and it made the valve to blow just enough pressure out of all that so it'd not explode, and explode IT DID in the fallout realm ----->
elvis saved us all, i tell ya, people, and rock'n'roll in fallout is _WRONG_.