» Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:31 pm
This is the first, I herd about no Custom Spells. This svcks big time. The OP said something about greater Custom Character generating, then I may forgive this. I guess since Morrowind and Oblivion is so limiting to how you can customize your character (because in the end, they all end up the same) I would love to have greater character generation.
Because of games, like Oblivon, espically Civiliazation V, words like "streamlining" and "simplifing" makes people kringe. For alot of people the "streamling" and "simplifing" made people upset because it took away from the game.
What I say, is how can you simplify or streamline Oblivion even more? This starts to get me worried.
BUT, hearing that there is no generating classes, or custom classes got me worried at first, because again, they take away. BUT how many people take a Mage, or Thief and end up using them as a warrior because it's easier to use a sword than what they should really be using for roll playing. So now, you can be who you want to be and nobody can say otherwise. This is something new and refreshing, so I think this is a great idea. Lets hope the implementations works beautifully.