For me, having the game say "you are a 19 years old" really limits the role playing of the game. That and the game will not let you join any of the "bad guys." So that limits playing as a "bad guy." Sure you can go around killing people, but that's a psychopath character.
For me... It limits the role, but does not limit playing the role at all.
The topic is why we older fans like the older games over the new games. I gave my reasons. So I don't see why it needs to turn into Old vs New Fallout debate that John Henry Eden is making it out to be. We get it John, you love Fallout 3 alot and will blindly defend it, but this isn't a Fallout 3 vs every other Fallout debate. I also say that New Vegas has some of the flaws of Fallout 3. I don't ever think Fallout New Vegas is better then the orginals.
I haven't read all of the new posts yet. I should. No it should not be an old vs new; I don't see it that way.
*Its a matter of personal taste though, and I do see it as anchovy vs strawberry.

As to 'why' I like the earlier games over the more recent ones... I had played really good first person RPGs and shooters/ and shooter hybrids.... but that was not Fallout ~Interplay had created an decent FPP RPG before starting Fallout; Tim Cain wrote part (or all?) of the sound code for that one. But the Fallout series was a departure from a lot of trends ~its not anymore; (and when I have a hankering for Pizza, I don't want strawberries on it).