It's been about 3 years since I bought this amazing game. I had played Morrowind a lot before and, despite I've never made it through the whole main quest (shame on me), I had ton of fun with all kinds of mods. Then I bought Oblivion. I have played it for about 1 year. I tried quite high number of mods and had a blast playing this game. Unfortunately, a RL issues came in, I didn't have much time to play, my game was full of different modification which made it nearly unplayable and I quickly lost interest of it. I have never completed MQ, nor the expansion, which was one of the things that made me want to play it again.
Now, nearly 2 years after I played Oblivion last time, I have found this small, dusty box in my drawer. I didn't thought long and immediately put it into my PC and installed it. I have even found my old forum account(I wan't much active tho). Still, it feels awesome to be again member of The Elder Scrolls community.
P.S.: I apologize if it's in wrong section. I wasn't sure on where to post it.
P.S.S: Excuse any grammar mistakes I made. English is not my native language.