'One should find his death while he can still call himself a proper man.'
Am I the only one that agrees with this? Or am I weird, psychotic?
If you want to be all gung-ho and run with the old 'live by the sword, die by the sword' thing... be my guest.
Personally, I have no regrets with my life and I'm pretty damn glad ( and lucky ) I have made it as far as I have and I'am perfectly fine riding that comet until it burns out, with my body turning to dust as I take my last breath.
Due to advances in health and technology, one can still contribute a lot when old, and in any case I am perfectly happy to help support my elders, so that when I am in that position others will support me.
There isn't a lack of resources in the country I live in, so the elderly aren't impeding anyone elses quality of life, unlike in the medieval inspired setting of Skyrim, so I see no problem in people who have spent many years working hard and putting in, kicking back and enjoying retirement.
If you disagree, put yourself in someone who was born sixty years ago and think, should I deserve to die just because others are more physically able than me?
But, uh... I've never been able to call myself a "proper man"...
If you are asking if it's valid... yes, it is. I for one do not look forward to dieing a miserable cripple suffering from cancer. Especially in a setting like Skyrim, even more so.
How about a happy cripple suffering from arthritis?
Well, if they are happy then more power to them. I didn't mean it in a black & white sense of course.
Put yourself in a life-threatening situation like war, in middle of a killing spree, accident or such, and I assure you death will not taste as good as it did in your safe home in a sunny summer morning.
Kinda like people who glorify war and talk how awesome it is, but have never been in one.
No kidding. I've seen guys that tower 6'6" weigh in at 275 and can bench a small car, hide inn a corner and cry like a child, while his buddy lays beside him with his head in his helmet.
... the helmet is about 30 feet away.
A lot of people think like that. Myself included, when I was your age (which was only 5 years ago). As you grow up, you will laugh at such thoughts.
You probably don't know what you're talking about.
You're a proper man but when you're old you lose your manhood? i call BS.
I don't care when i die, hopefully its from natural causes. many of my friends went to war and died and i tell i don't wanna be in their spot. you think getting killed by someone else is glorious? i assure you wont think that when you're in your last moments.
Edit: sorry for the depressive post. but its reality.
In the Sixties The Who sang "I hope I die before I get old" and I thought it was a cool axiom to live by.
Now I'm in MY Sixties, have three grandsons and love every minute of my life.
I'm not scared of dying but I'm in no hurry.
A proper Orc would feed his Family while He was still edible. Bosmer are not the only Race in TES that honor thier Ancestors by keeping a little piece of them after they have died.
I would not want to live as a vegetable kept fresh by machinery, but I would not want to end it if I am still capable of enjoying My existence.
The Rolling Stones still play arenas at over 50.
I don't know why you seem to think that 50 is old, you do realise that in many countries people live well into their 80's?
We live in a lucrative and well off time. There is much joy to be had in Old age, crippled or not. Dying because you don't wan't to get old seems silly and petty.
Besides, by the time OP hits 50, bioengineering has most likely advanced so much that he will be 50 by the calendar but 20 by his physique.