That destination being level 20.
Seriously, have you not noticed that no one plays stopwatch Old Skool? You can join an empty game, switch to attacking team for both rounds, and get an insane amount of xp per hour compared to just playing.
XP gains:
-switching away from then into the current objective class gives you 200 XP FREE.
-Objectives give the most XP of anything in the game
-Completing objectives faster without resistance gives a constant, high stream of XP.
-Terminal is the smallest, shortest map with 2 objectives giving 10xp per second PLUS! 5xp every few seconds for "defending"
-escort objectives only give 7xp per second at most and no every-few-seconds xp bonus
Sure, you could call this a glitch, among other names, but I'll call it a way to play as I should be. That is... Creating the character as I want. Basically, no leveling system you just get 20 ability points right away. cod4's leveling system has always been such a waste of time... Simplifying things for new players should be optional. There's no sense of "earning" what you get only a sense of "entrapment" at not being able to JUST PLAY THE GAME. Thank you, xp boosting, for helping me overcome this in every game that has it.
Ironically, this will probably attract more people to Old Skool Stopwatch, renering the point of completing objectives without resistance moot. Unless the defending team decides to idle.