Tell us about your TES experiences and thaughts! For me Morrowind was the best in the series, although the others were great as well, its funny how things in the past always seem better, well TES 1 was my first foray into RPG's and I played it on my first PC, a IBM 386 40 Mhz with 512 Meg (edited it was actually 2Meg) of Ram, believe it or not the only way I could get sound out of it was installing my mates Adlib Soundcard! (google it youngins)

For me Skyrim brings much anticipation and excitement, firstly I am glad they are using a new Gameengine with new technology that they seem quite proud of! But for me the greatest thing is (my wife and daughter won't agree) I can lock myself away and pour hundreds of hours into a new TES game

What do you old school gamers think?