The conditional dialogue line "HELIOS One coming back on-line." (INFO record XX015B64) erroneously links to the previous conditional line "Jason Bright and his followers launching into the vast unknown." (INFO XX015B63), which links to the HELIOS line again. If both conditions are true, these two lines will loop forever, never escaping to the next line and the dialogue choice for the player.
To test this, I created a single-record plugin, which removed the offending link from XX015B64. This enabled the three lines to be delivered correctly and the conversation to continue as intended.
Edit: The parent topic is "NVDLC03DialoguePlayerBrainNVDLC03PlayerBrainTankTopic072" (DIAL record XX015B44). I just looked at these records in the GECK, and I can't see the erroneous TCFU link reflected anywhere in the dialogue editor UI. Is this something that gets created automatically behind the scenes, or did I just look in the wrong place?