This DLC is like Fallout 2, how is possible that is bad?
It's nothing like Fallout 2, where the hell is this overly ridiculousness in Fallout2? Cause I've never seen it.
A lot of people say that Fallout 2 was over the top with teh lulz, but apart from a couple of things in Broken Hills and a couple of special encounters I never found it to be "too" lulzy.
And certainly not to the excessive amount that OWB had.
I didn't mind the long dialogue, it felt a bit too dragged out but I didn't mind it too much, the second half of it was funny, the first half of it felt a bit childish.
But other than that starting dialogue I've only seen blue neon crap, gray areas (I mean it's even more gray than FO3 was) ((The colour, not the moral)), meat shield enemies and horrible fetch quests.
That I a cannot even pick the 30 cap right away which was a big selling point for me is something that is just making me increasingly more frustrated.
So no, I do not see how this is like Fallout 2.