Thanks Chris Avellone :tops: You wrote a DLC that is only slightly better than Dead Money (which you also wrote), which makes this the second worst DLC ever.
This actually explains a lot about what you was expecting. I've found Dead Money brilliant, really a change of pace from the main game.
The scarce supplies, the lack of shelter, the cloud and finally the story in DM is very good.
So far the story in OWB is also very good, but you have to be in the mood, because there's a lot of goofy things.
I didn't liked that everything you got is simply given to the player, weapons, armor, edibles, implants - yes, you can have some more! -, you don't need to actually work very hard to get things.
People looking to loot on the other hand will be delighted, there's TON of it and I mean REALLY TONS, it's exagerated sometimes.
The map seems big in the Pip-Boy, but actually is small, no argument on that, but there's plenty of places for exploration.
Spoiler Did you talk with all the scientists, there's side-quests for all of them? Also, Dr. Klein glove is friggin' good to fight robots, they simply can't hit you.
The enemies are hard not because they are bullet spoonges, but because they have good protection and usually two ways of attacking (most robots have 220HP, for exemple)
You have to use the right weapon, with the correct ammo.
Also, Ulysses and Cristina logs are scattered through the Big Mt, there's more than what is in Ulysses Point.
The Lobotomites are very well done, albeit weak for an advanced player, they are also covered in scars. Very good.
This DLC also proved what most people already realized, energy weapons svck and svck hard in FNV, guns and melee builds will have an easier time.
As for the perks, the majority of them are traits, not perks, so the DLC is actually better played with a new character for trully being enjoyed.
Most weapons, including enemies, deal catastrofic damage to Power Armor, so you better think twice before using one.
I can't wait to return to Mojave and test them in the BoS.
Like I said, I didn't liked all the gear, weapons and loot being throwed at the player without requiring some work, but you're pushing the envelope.
It's not a 10/10 DLC, more like 7.5/10