Old World Blues Mostly svcks....

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:39 am

This kid is just mad that the DLC didn't have Brotherhood Paladins in it, nothing to see here folks.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:05 pm

As much as I prefer gritty wasteland stuff that is more tangible than wacky scifi, I think this DLC is great. I don't agree with you or Gabe's sentiments, and I absolutely resent you comparing anybody who likes the DLC to Beavis and Butthead, in a totally uncalled for and nonsensical manner. So you don't like it. Great. But insulting our intelligence is [censored].

I apologize for that. I got carried away.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:38 am

I apologize for that. I got carried away.

Fair enough. It just irked me a bit.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:28 am

lol mothership zeta gets torn to ribbons on the same basis by the community, but OWB gets a pass? I didn't even find it that funny, just juvenile.

I've only played OWB for 40 mins so far, and I'm one of those who ripped MZ to shreds as the worst kind of abomination to spawn from a game studio, AND i don't enjoy Beavis and Butthead, but I'm really liking OWB so far. The humour is actually quite witty. It may not be to your tastes, but there's no way I'd even compare it to MZ at all.

Then again, of all the FO3 and NV DLC, DM is my favourite DLC, and OWB could well end up my 2nd favourite, so we're probably polar opposites in our gaming tastes in a lot of ways. :mellow:
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:41 pm

I've been playing it all day. I'm getting bleary.

I love this DLC. It's just personal taste, but I really enjoy the whole wacky superscience vibe. There's nothing grim or gritty about this, so I understand why some people are disappointed.
Not claiming it's perfect (I don't really like the new Perks & Traits), but then again, I'm the guy who loved Mothership Zeta, so what do I know?
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phil walsh
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:20 pm

It's ok so far, don't like the fact that a stupid robot dog took a AP .50 round at point blank range thought and it did nothing. I will agree with enemies being bullet sponges at times.

Also to the Obsidian people or whom ever PLS FIX VATS. started freezing up in vats and enemies get free hits, not fair. Also saw a small version of the arm bug while playing the game. thought that was fixed. ohh for those that have it watch out for the explosion near gabe and not the one on the forums either.

Over all it the short time I have been playing OWB the game got laggy real fast. Not sure about everyone else, but I had to shut mine down because the lag was terrible. I couldn't even open my pipboy at times or it took several minutes for it to respond.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:18 pm

I just created a profile just because I wanted others to know that this dlc is not anywhere near as bad as you make it out to be. So, with that said I thought that I would give my opinion on this dlc:
First of all this was (IMO) much better than honest hearts or dead money, secondly I have enjoyed all dlc to an extent ever since fallout 3 but there were some I enjoyed more than others, but slamming this dlc so badly isn't right, and lastly I would give this dlc, after beating the whole dlc including side quests, a solid 8/10. Thanks for reading, I had to get that out there though.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:29 pm

As much as I prefer gritty wasteland stuff that is more tangible than wacky scifi, I think this DLC is great. I don't agree with you or Gabe's sentiments, and I absolutely resent you comparing anybody who likes the DLC to Beavis and Butthead, in a totally uncalled for and nonsensical manner. So you don't like it. Great. But insulting our intelligence is [censored].

What did I do?
I didn't say I agreed with Paladin's OP, I said I agreed that the DLC mostly svcks and also said I did not read his first post as I had just started the DLC.
I never said I agreed about his Beavis and Butthead comment. :batman:
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Big mike
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:21 pm

Ha ha this is funny stuff. Power armor=good/tron suit=bad. Ok got it. I also think some people's minds were already made up on owb before they even played it ;)
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:57 am

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:18 am

Ok first:
1. I agree the tron (ish) suit texture is mildly irking but I like the personality so it more than makes up for it.
2. Though sometimes its kinda annoying that some enemies are "semi" bullet spongish its inevitable considering some people (like myself) built their toons to be honed killing machines. A lot of people are gonna be lvl 30+ (many 40) when they come into the DLC and by that point you will prob be using practically game-breaking perk combinations and have most if not all your make skills maxed out. In the end I like having a challenge. It gets boring walking into a pack of enemies and completely owning all of them using a Combat Shotty with Gun:100, Shotgun Surgeon, and the And Stand-back perk combination not to mention the tons of other deadly perk combinations out there.
3. Yes I (like many people) are extremely annoyed at the fact that there wasn't any new power armor or power armor perks but considering the types of weapons and enemies we are facing it was inevitable. Wearing power armor in the Big Empty is a bad idea because of all the anti-robotic weapons :X
4. I loved the humor but I can see where some people might find it in bad taste. If you don't like the humor then I agree the DLC will prob be a lot less fun overall for you.

That being said... 20 hours in HH? I thought I was freaking meticulous @.@
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:47 am

@Paladin Dune, I get what you're saying about OWB. I disagree with all of it, (in fact I LOVED this DLC) but I can understand most of it. What I don't understand is the Perks gripe. Granted there were only four actual Perks, Atomic is so freaking cool, and so is the GRX implant, (really non addictive Turbo you can use it 10 times a day) you also get a crap ton of traits and implants that all rock.You can switch out your spine, heart and brain (even without the bonuses gained from doing so, this is freaking awesome) (not to mention a permanent immunity to poison) How is this DLC anything but loaded with Perks?
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:55 pm

wow, what a dissapointment, and I had low expectations for it. I've completed the main quest and explored about 90% of the map.

I give it a total score of 2 /10 because:

Enemies: 7/10, The roboscorpions and skeletons and lobotomites and nightstalkers were challenging. There were many situations that were enclosed spaces which made nightstalkers and roboscorpions really challenging. The lobotimites were only challenging in groups, individually not much of a challenge, the skeleton space suit guys were tough to take down. I would have liked to seen more groups of lobotimites and more diversity of tactics with them.

Weapons: 1/10, the only weapon that actually interested me was the Cyberdog .357 minigun....but what absolutely ruined it was its small clip, slow rate of fire, and low damage.....it's a .357 minigun for crying out loud and its damage is pathetic. I tried the other weapons and they were pretty pathetic as well.

Gear: 5/10, the ONLY reason this gets a 5 is because of the plant matter that can be turned into anything. Very useful for a survivalist like me, which means I can focus on making lots of very rare food like Mole Rat Stew with this, (pinto pods).

Armor: 1/10: I don't care what kind of tricks that Stealth suit does, it looks ridiculous on me like I'm in TRON. NO TRON SUIT. Why no power armor????

Perks: 2/10: Absolutely pathetic. Not a single energy weapon or power armor perk. The only reason this gets a 2 instead of a 1 is because the sausage perk looks pretty cool.

Exploration: 4/10, There was some interesting landscape but not interesting enough to justify the small map. The interiors were pretty redundant at times.

Characters: 1/10 Where's Ulysses? I see his flag everywhere. The kitschy mad scientists weren't doing it for me and the juvenile humor of appliances looked like a desperate attempt to divert to a non-existant plot.

Story: 1/10, What story?


Thanks Chris Avellone :tops: You wrote a DLC that is only slightly better than Dead Money (which you also wrote), which makes this the second worst DLC ever.

Enemies: Ironman radscorpions are awesome. Mindless people are cool. Skeleton spacemen, kick ass. Overall great stuff.

Weapons: The Proto axe weapon is awesome. Ant-robot in a melee weapon is reason enough for me to actually use melee. The Cyberdog IMO is amazingly powerful. It makes my custom modded shotgun looks like a pellet gun.

Gear: Lots of cool misc things to mess around with. Im happy.

Armor: The suit design is aweome IMO. Ton was aweomse, and I love glowing things. The suit was present in Dead Money and loved it then. This is like cream filling with a cherry. Yumm.

Perks: They are decent. I agree, nothing too fancy, but meh. They could be better, but for what they are, they are nice. I can understand the frustration and confusion of no energy wapon perks given the setting and a few of the weapons.

Exploration: While I havnt seen everything yet, from what I have seen, its freakin amazing. It really feels like a 50s space-age science facility. Almost like im on the moon or something.

Characters: Not the greatest, but they do have a charm to them. They really do have the loony mad scientist impression. [censored] feet anyone? XD That made my day.

Story: Havent completed it so cant say.

Overall I have to give it a 8/10. I personally thijnk its their best yet. They have been getting better each time and I think they really did an awesome job with the landscape design on HH and OWB.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:59 pm

Here is the only thing that has pissed me off so far......


I don t mind getting killed, as a matter of fact I like it, but it has to make sense. I like bullet sponges too, again as long as they make sense.

These are not the same nightstalkers from the mw. The legondary nightstalker went down way easier than these things, and they bite through pa like its paper. Put some deathclaws in, or some crazy mutated science project in, and Im all for being killed, but super nightstalkers that don t even have a different name? NOOOOOO!!!!

The devil is in the detail. What beats my ass, or what is a bullet sponge is important. I need to believe that what it beating my ass could actually do it. I think nightstalkers would break their teeth off on pa. BAD MOVE!!!!

@ Paladin Dune The "Tron Suit" is bad ass with all the upgrades. I can tell you hate it, but I don t have that feeling about it.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:56 am

Tron Suit: Fallout... I see it now.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:59 am

I like everything about Old World Blues,but I do agree on that there should have been power armor.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:21 pm

Wow... This isn't even worth commenting. Actually it's the best DLC for both FNV and F3. Amazing plot, awesome gear and great area. Also The Sink was awesome! To give items personality traits... What an awesome idea! Love it 9,9/10 here :D

This was my favorite dlc so far but the only problem I had with it was the lack of power armor, I thought for sure we would get something in this one.
Anyways, the rest was great.

Also Christine only is there if you did not play Dead Money prior to Old World Blues, but if you did, then there were only holotapes.
Ulysses was only there in holotapes though, doesn't matter what you did.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:54 am

Also Christine only is there if you did not play Dead Money prior to Old World Blues, but if you did, then there were only holotapes.
Ulysses was only there in holotapes though, doesn't matter what you did.

HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!, do you mean to tell me Christine can make a physical appearance if you haven't done Dead Money yet? I don't want to hear rumors or ideas. Tell me did you see that for yourself.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:59 am

HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!, do you mean to tell me Christine can make a physical appearance if you haven't done Dead Money yet? I don't want to hear rumors or ideas. Tell me did you see that for yourself.

According to the wiki she is only there in voice.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:28 am

Personally I HATED dead money. i liked honest hearts, and i also love this dlc.
just want to let you know you can delete the dlc and never touch it. for the most part i see people like it. :fallout:
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Nicholas C
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:08 am

This is merely my opinion, so no insults please.

No principally new enemies has been introduced, merely a couple of retextures. And a tough ones, but not dangerous: this makes confrontations tedious.
Exploring is extremely poor. Recycled interiors, lack of places to scavenge, lack of post-apocalyptic feeling.
The model of the LAER is a bit too good for not being included in the first place, despite the fact that it clearly was finished. I think they might just save it for the old world blues. The sonic emitter is just another retexture for the pulse gun. I see you guys working hard.
The script is poorly written; didn't even realise there was some sort of plot.
And this attempt at humor is in poor taste. I find that 'this' is nothing like I've seen in fallout 2. Not a dark humor but rather childish and primitive. Save it for the cartoons.
What can I say, Im dissapointed. 4/10.
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james tait
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:15 am

OWB svcks?

That's unpossible.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:48 am

Yknow what OWB reminds me of?

Fallout 3.

The main storyline is nothing special, but some of the characters are worth mentioning and the side quests are fun and interesting.
The main quests are also meh, and yet exploration can be interesting, once you get into it. There's SOOOOOO much stuff to be found: implants, unique armors and weapons (some are found only on unique NPCs), upgrades for the sink, skill books, skill book recipes, notes from Ulysses, Chrisine and Elijah, etc etc etc.
A downside is the enemies are a bit boring. A single enemy is no challenge, and yet has plenty of HP. At the same time, you'll often run into big groups that can be decievingly difficult. And the spawn rate is just like FO3: every few feet, something off in the distance is gonna come running at you. Luckily though, the map is quite compact so there's not much exploration needed.

Having said that, I know a lot of people hate Fallout 3, but I think they'd like OWB. OWB simply doesn't have an incredibly interesting main storyline, nor does it pretend to. It hides all it's fun in side quests, exploration and dialog.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:52 am

OWB was awesome i love all the old world stuff seeing it preserved and hidden tech that has been hidden for countless years
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:22 pm

Well yes, there's just not resources to design a multi-arched multiple choice storyline in a 10 bux dlc.

Many seem to expect to get a Grand Buffet of Awesome and PowerArmor And Whatelse They Wished For, when it should be obvious from the F3 and FNV dlcs already out that they'll never be more than "merely" a Sidedish of Goodness.
Which is all you can really expect from 10$.
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