I assume level 1 means trait.
- Atomic! (level 20)
> With the Atomic! perk, you are 25% faster and stronger whenever you're basking in the warm glow of radiation. Outside irradiated areas, your Action Points (AP) regenerate faster and faster the higher your level of radiation sickness becomes.
- Claustrophobia (level 1)
> You have a fear of enclosed spaces (probably because of the mutants that live there). You gain +1 to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes when outside, but suffer -1 when indoors.
- DNAgent (level 30)
> Studying schematics on the abominations created at the Big MT has granted you a damage bonus (+10%) against Nightstalkers.
- Early Bird (level 1)
> Hey early risers! Enjoy a +2 to each of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes from 6 am to 12 pm, but suffer a -1 from 6 pm to 6 am when you're not at your best.
- Hoarder (level 1)
> You gain +25 lbs. to your carrying capacity, but suffer a -1 to all attributes any time the weight you're carrying drops below 160 lbs.
- Hot Blooded (level 1)
> When your health drops below 50% you gain +10% more damage, but you also suffer -2 to your Agility and Perception attributes.
- Logan's Loophole (level 1)
> No one's going to put you out to pasture 'cause you're going to stay young (and level 30) forever! You'll never again become addicted to chems, and they'll last twice as long... but after 30 you can kiss experience, perks, and skill points goodbye!
- Mile in Their Shoes (level 20)
> You have come to understand Nightstalkers. Consuming Nightstalker Squeezin's now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and stealth (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits.
- Skilled
> You're skilled, but not experienced. You gain +5 points to every skill, but you suffer -10% from experience gained from now on.
- Them's Good Eatin (level 20)
> Any living creature you kill has a 50% chance to have the potent healing items Thin Red Paste or Blood Sausage when looted.
To avoid spoilers, I left out all the implants and quest-reward perks.