It's just PS3 and PC. It's live worldwide on 360.
WOW WOW WOW! HOLD ON! I know its not your fault but pearhaps you might pass on our displeaseur to the higher ups, since this DOESNT bodes well if you (Bethesda) keep doing this crap now, i cant even imagine with Skyrim. WHY IS THE PC WAITING FOR PSN??? This is my question, i do not own a PS3, i dont want a PS3 and have no intention of buying a PS3, so WHY AM I COMPARED TO A PS3 OWNER??? (no offense intented to PS3 owners). Steam updates DAILY, your "marketing" department should take less classes with EA/Bioware Marketing or i can garantee ill future for Skyrim, PC owners have A VERY LONG memory span and we have acess to "alternative" methods of aquisition mind i remind your marketing fellows, and we continue to get the shaft on everything as per common mentality of game houses today (xbox360xbox360xbox306xbox360 ITS ALL ABOUT XBOX360 AND KINETIC!!!) you WILL lose your major supporters, PC. I myself as an example dont wont buy ME3, since i dont buy mediocracy and total lack of respect to the fans as EA as done or by that matter any EA product.
Its not the one day waiting Mister Bergman, is the principle of the thing, i have no problem that the DLC had a problem or something like that, it happens and patience is a virtue, but i dislike ALOT always being put behind because of marketing strategies that DONT respect fans, THAT i cannot abide. I'm a PC player and PROUD OF IT and always will be, and before someone from Bethesda uses the same old excuse that PC has piracy bla bla bla bla i reply simple with ITS YOUR DAMN FAULT! Deliver the goods and respect the PC players and we give it back, ALWAYS, you dont have more loyal fans then the PC community (must i remind that the modding community is one of the corner stones of this game in PC?).