This DLC was great for the most part, but I'm not here to talk about that. No, I'm here to mention all of the things that do not work and ruin my experience, and I'll need answers fast if I'm to salvage this playthrough.
1 - Post-DLC completion, seemingly NO enemies spawn in the Big MT. I can no longer harvest Gatling Lasers or any other gear because there are no enemies at all. This is stupid and I need to know if it is tied to how I "solved" OWB, much like how no White Legs spawn for me in HH ever since I wiped them out.
2 - Sink CIU doesn't restock. It needs a retro-active patch now, or this DLC just became a whole lot crappier. Sure, I could use nicer words and "submit" my "issues" but by now, Obsidian know better and we expect better, so let's cut the crap and you guys NEED to fix this ASAP.
3 - Random crashes in the Big MT. Again, no excuses. Fix this.
4 - Ulysses' Point not showing up as one of those markers on the compass. Unsurprisingly, I've walked past this place throughout the DLC and have only just "discovered" it by checking The Vault Wikia.
5 - More personal preference, but the conversation with your own brain was utterly ridiculous. I didn't take the Wild Wasteland Trait and I find this whole Transhumanism Philosophy BS mind-numbingly crap. It discredits the game for me and breaks the immersion factor.
Evidently, my first three gripes are the most important to me and are listed in order of priority, the non-respawning enemies being my biggest complaint. I'm playing on the Xbox 360 and if you need any more information to help fix these problems, ask away. That said, DO fix them sharpish, because I cannot continue my current file until I know that no more enemies are supposed to spawn regardless of the ending (or not, as the case may be).
It was all going so well up to the Brain Conversation thing (only The Sink CIU's store was broken up to that point), but after that philosophy crap, things just went downhill.