My Old World Blues (Spoilers Inside)

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:47 am

I will be mentioning Spoilers throughout this with no warning, so if you don't want it spoiling, do not read on.

This DLC was great for the most part, but I'm not here to talk about that. No, I'm here to mention all of the things that do not work and ruin my experience, and I'll need answers fast if I'm to salvage this playthrough.

1 - Post-DLC completion, seemingly NO enemies spawn in the Big MT. I can no longer harvest Gatling Lasers or any other gear because there are no enemies at all. This is stupid and I need to know if it is tied to how I "solved" OWB, much like how no White Legs spawn for me in HH ever since I wiped them out.

2 - Sink CIU doesn't restock. It needs a retro-active patch now, or this DLC just became a whole lot crappier. Sure, I could use nicer words and "submit" my "issues" but by now, Obsidian know better and we expect better, so let's cut the crap and you guys NEED to fix this ASAP.

3 - Random crashes in the Big MT. Again, no excuses. Fix this.

4 - Ulysses' Point not showing up as one of those markers on the compass. Unsurprisingly, I've walked past this place throughout the DLC and have only just "discovered" it by checking The Vault Wikia.

5 - More personal preference, but the conversation with your own brain was utterly ridiculous. I didn't take the Wild Wasteland Trait and I find this whole Transhumanism Philosophy BS mind-numbingly crap. It discredits the game for me and breaks the immersion factor.

Evidently, my first three gripes are the most important to me and are listed in order of priority, the non-respawning enemies being my biggest complaint. I'm playing on the Xbox 360 and if you need any more information to help fix these problems, ask away. That said, DO fix them sharpish, because I cannot continue my current file until I know that no more enemies are supposed to spawn regardless of the ending (or not, as the case may be).

It was all going so well up to the Brain Conversation thing (only The Sink CIU's store was broken up to that point), but after that philosophy crap, things just went downhill.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:06 am

1 - Post-DLC completion, seemingly NO enemies spawn in the Big MT. I can no longer harvest Gatling Lasers or any other gear because there are no enemies at all. This is stupid and I need to know if it is tied to how I "solved" OWB, much like how no White Legs spawn for me in HH ever since I wiped them out.

I have to say that I love this decision, want a fam fo good loot then make enemies with the Brotherhood as their Paladins constantly respawn in the Bunker.

2 - Sink CIU doesn't restock. It needs a retro-active patch now, or this DLC just became a whole lot crappier. Sure, I could use nicer words and "submit" my "issues" but by now, Obsidian know better and we expect better, so let's cut the crap and you guys NEED to fix this ASAP.

It's money restocks, it's items don't I believe.

3 - Random crashes in the Big MT. Again, no excuses. Fix this.

You a computer programmer now? Mircosoft my IE crashed sometimes, there is no excuse fix this.

4 - Ulysses' Point not showing up as one of those markers on the compass. Unsurprisingly, I've walked past this place throughout the DLC and have only just "discovered" it by checking The Vault Wikia.

Perhaps intentional?

5 - More personal preference, but the conversation with your own brain was utterly ridiculous. I didn't take the Wild Wasteland Trait and I find this whole Transhumanism Philosophy BS mind-numbingly crap. It discredits the game for me and breaks the immersion factor.

I argee but that's just our personal taste so you can't really speak out for everyone.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:58 am

I lost the K9000 and the enemy I got it from does not respawn.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:42 am

I have to say that I love this decision, want a fam fo good loot then make enemies with the Brotherhood as their Paladins constantly respawn in the Bunker.

Is it irrespective of the OWB Ending or not? That's my only question there.

It's money restocks, it's items don't I believe.

It restocked on me once which is why I have 3 Sonic Emitters, but ever since I sold it my excess Brush Guns and Hunting Revolvers, it doesn't restock. Therefore, I deduce that it is indeed supposed to restock and that it is currently "broken" somewhere in the game script.

You a computer programmer now? Mircosoft my IE crashed sometimes, there is no excuse fix this.

So after all the glitches and problems, you're happy with NV and that's great for you, but I and many others are not and yet another issue like this crashing makes for some negative feedback imo. Gamebryo is being phased out by the Creation Engine, but even now, after so many years working with it, they still can't get it to work properly? I mean seriously, AGAIN?! No, not again, this is laziness, nothing more. So yes, fix this, no excuses.

Perhaps intentional?

It appeared once on my Compass as I was exiting Higgs Village but disappeared off the compass as I made my way towards it. That says to me that it is, like The Sink CIU's store, broken and thus, it needs to be fixed. I concede though, perhaps it is intentional. It's no major issue, it just annoys me that I had 34 locations listed and couldn't find the last one despite it having randomly flashed up once on my compass.

I argee but that's just our personal taste so you can't really speak out for everyone.

True enough, but at least make it a Wild Wasteland experience. The DLC story was fine as it was, but this Brain conversation "twist" as it were, just seems more "wacky" and "off the wall" and unnecessary for, as the Wild Wasteland Trait describes it, the more serious of temperament. I could have done without that small ounce of "craziness" in what was beforehand a relatively credible experience.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:33 am

You a computer programmer now? Mircosoft my IE crashed sometimes, there is no excuse fix this.
I am. I'm workin on MMORPG with up to 10000 players in a same time. It doesn't crashes, at least by internal problems. Any problem just results in error output (with [censored] stack trace, which allows to easily track and fix it), maybe thread terminating. But sudden world shutdowns are not an option. So I'm 100% sure than app crash is result of carelessness and/or lack of professionalism.

5 - More personal preference, but the conversation with your own brain was utterly ridiculous. I didn't take the Wild Wasteland Trait and I find this whole Transhumanism Philosophy BS mind-numbingly crap. It discredits the game for me and breaks the immersion factor.
This is just schizophrenia, don't worry.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:35 am

The random crashes are the only thing that bugs me. It actually happens way to often.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:51 am

The enemies not respawning along with the Sink's stock I agree with. I do not want to farm but rather just hang around and kill things in Big MT as I prefer going around in the DLC area over the Mojave. As far as the inventory restock I only want the money to come back so that it is easy to sell loot from Big MT during the "forced stay" duration.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:37 am

The enemies not respawning along with the Sink's stock I agree with. I do not want to farm but rather just hang around and kill things in Big MT as I prefer going around in the DLC area over the Mojave. As far as the inventory restock I only want the money to come back so that it is easy to sell loot from Big MT during the "forced stay" duration.

That's another thing. There's hardly anything to kill in the Mojave without making enemies with some of the factions, so I was hoping for more stuff to kill. During OWB main questline, the Big MT was overrun with enemies, you could barely walk for 10 - 20 seconds in any direction before being attacked over and over.

As for the inventory restock, I want at least 1 of each Sonic Emitter variant fully repaired and stored in Novac, ready for use.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:22 am

Whoever moved this thread, I believe it's better to move it back to it's original forum where I posted it. Hiding it away despite it's legitimate complaints isn't going to help and it is more relevant back in the General DLC Forum.

If however, this is simply a mistake based upon the fact that I put (Spoilers Inside) in the title, I'll happily remove it if this thread is moved back to it's original forum. I only put that in to be considerate to other users given how recently OWB was released.

So, can I please have this thread moved back to it's original location? It gets notably less saturation and feedback here, and that's really not what I wanted.
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