But, this thread is not specifically about OWB itself but more of a nice little surprise when I arrived.
I had dismissed all my Companions using a terminal prior to going to the drive in. But, upon my arrival at the drive in I was surprised to see I still had Veronica and Cass in tow (I have a mod that allows up to o12 companions) but assumed that they'd remain in the Mojave after I was teleported. But, when I turned around to enter the Sink on the balcony I noticed someone wearing BOS power armor standing behind me. Veronica? Then I entered the sink to find Cass waiting to greet me when I walked in.
None of the mods I'm running are setup for DLC so they should've remained in the Mojave. But I'm not complaining. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. I had Cass and Raul in Dead Money.