Im going to stop you here and guess that you don't know the definition of the word "ignorant"
How can the designer of the game be ignorant about why he chose to make it a certain way? He went on to explain that he would rather have the game be more fun to a wider group of people, and to encourage play that would keep one person from negatively impacting the game experience of others.
Also you can kill light body types fairly quickly, they wanted to allow people a greater chance to escape being knocked out in one hit just because you walked into their LoS. It gives you a chance to counter it, that was all. If you have are in a tactically better position than your opponent you are still more likely to get the kill, but its just not 100%. If you want to shoot fish in a barrel, you will be disappointed by this mechanic.
Like he said, if you don't like it this way you dont have to play it there are plenty of other games that allow OHK
If you're unable to discern by the nature, or ilk if you will, of my general demeanor when posting on these fora that I'm capable of understanding a commonly used word in my native language - well, I have some news for you. The comment is ignorant because his tone implies a certain indiscriminate and vicious glee on part of the camping sniper, and was made with a negative tone to portray that all such snipers, "up on a hill whose been camping [all game]...Having the time of your life, just kill, after kill, after kill..." are pubascent, immature, incapable of intelligent play and morality that extends beyond just the self. It's not only hyperbole but generalization and groupism, and thus by
nigh every definition of the word: ignorant.
The designer is obviously not ignorant of why
he made the game a certain way, but the reason for making the game a certain way
can (and in this case, appears to be) ignorant. Furthermore, the only times where people have come on my forums, on to my teamspeak, and in to my server to whine about anything (usually helicopters or snipers, I play Battlefield until BRINK releases) is when a good number of my clan are on the server and we are organized and obliterating the opposing team. That one sniper is rarely just one sniper causing you problems, though he may be getting a noticeable portion of the kills. You either get a sniper rifle yourself and take him out, shoot a rocket, a skilltube (40mm launcher), flank him, bum rush him, switch servers, or stop playing because if you are
miserable why for God's sake are you still playing?
Nerfing snipers because you want them to fill a specific role in your fast-paced FPS is one thing; nerfing snipers because they touched you in a bad spot is entirely another. To clarify, teamwork is the emphasis in this game - team based objectives are more important than turning every game mode in to a death-match. So the lone sniper posted wherever camping all match has pretty much no role in BRINK even with OHK, and the role long-rifles have in BRINK fits their stated overarching gameplay. And to reiterate, because reading comprehension is at an all-time low, I do not believe OHK/camping with a sniper should be encouraged or included within BRINK. I agree with the sentiment that they are used to take a chunk of HP out of your target, to finish him or her off with a secondary weapon.
The entire quote speaks of malice and ignorance, which is why I called it so.