That is the thing, this game doesn't have to be realistic. If you made a game that was completely realistic then it would be no fun. If you look at COD, it is not realistic at all. If you get shot you aren't going to go regenerating health. You would slowly bleed to death. So, Brink is made to be fun for everybody, not realistic.
Whats sad is that how absolutely every die-hard COD fan on the websites will rip your face off for suggesting that COD isn't realistic. Thing is your right, a person can't take 5-6 bullets to the chest, shoot the guy that shot him, then proceed to book it around the corner just to heal up and do it again 5 seconds later.
IRL without any sort of body armor, 1 bullet from a 9mm is all it takes to kill you, that one shot hits you anywhere in the torso and its going to do enough damage to either kill in minutes or hours (without immediate medical attention) if it doesn't outright kill you. you take that bullet to the arm or leg, the chances of using that arm or leg within the next few days is slim because of the damage it would do to the veins/arteries, muscle tissue, and bone, not to mention that the chances of bleeding out are pretty damn good if you don't have that medical attention ASAP. Now if you have that body armor, depending on the caliber of the gun and the kind of armor your wearing, its still gonna knock you around but probably won't punch through unless you hit a weak point or the same area several times, as for when it does go through, the bullet velocity will decrease enough that unless it hits something vital, your not dead until you bleed out but that bullet defiantly isn't leaving your body with the remaining velocity and thus doing considerable more damage if it bounces around once or twice.
For those of who on the Barrett .50 Cal, that thing is a [censored] beast rifle, the recoil on it will probably do more damage to you than the guy your shooting at if it isn't mounted and properly fired. The lightweight .50 cal rifles can be shot without mounting but absolutely MUST be done in prone with proper support or your going to be breaking your shoulder and that bullet will never make it to the target. (By the time it leaves the barrel the recoil would have already dropped you to the ground from the pain of the kick-back, and while that bullet is still in the barrel, direction of travel can change at the slightest motion of the barrel.) Same physics go with all rifles, longer barreled rifles have a greater chance of this occurring though. As for the 8 inches and your arm is gone from page 1, that is total [censored] bro, 8 inches is a long ass miss, within an 8th of an inch you'd do some damage, the subsonic waves that follow that bullet will probably tear open your skin/muscles at that distance, now if it passed an 8th of an inch from your head, your brain would be flattened to the back/side of your skull from that wave even if the outward physical damage looked minimal. Now if it hits you, dear god thats a whole different story, Nothing left of your brain bucket, big ass hole in the chest, or garunteed missing limbs, depending on the point of impact.
Now onto Hip fire [censored]. As was probably stated many times already, in every proper FPS game there is absolutely ZERO hip fire going on. The term 'From the hip' just means your not taking that extra half second to sight the gun. the bullet will still go where the barrel is pointing and will not randomly veer off to the side just cause your not ADS. the only games i have played so far that accurately does this is the Rainbow 6 series. While unmoving the shooter has a much better control over his/her rifle and thus the bullets go where he/she wants them too, BUT while moving that control is not as accurate and the gun will be bouncing around more because of your motion and thus you get your spread, the more you move, the bigger the spread. Even while ADS, motion will affect the spread because if the barrel even slightly twitches as the bullet is traveling thru it, the bullet goes to the spot in which it was pointing when it finally exits the barrel. Games like Operation Flashpoint also do a decent job at this kind of realism not only for damage but also for gun physics in the sense that the potential spread is minimal while not ADS and unmoving,