Once i've finished Crysis 2 I want to say, THANK YOU Crytek

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:03 am

I only wanted to tell you "thank you". I liked very much Crysis and Crysis Warhead and was expectant for crysis 2.

Now that I′ve finished the sigleplayer mode, and played the multiplayer too, I can say that this game is a MASTERPIECE. Yes, it could be even better, but I expect you will do a Crysis 3 for this console generation and it'll be even better. You made and incredible work in each part of the game: Grafics, Soundtrak, gameplay, plot... You overcame all my expectations. Amazing.

But the game has some problems and some things that can be better:

-The AI has problems and the combats are very predictable.

-The story is very good, but for the next Crysis you need a Charismatic leader for the Ceph and much more information about their world. It′s obvious that a civilization as powerfull as the Ceph should have more than non speaking soldiers without feelings. And I'd like to know what happened to Nomad and Pshyco into the isle of Lingsham.

-Cinematics are always welcome, and you hit the point in Crysis 2. Always inside the nanosuit (except in the ending, what is perfect for me), with videos with information. But I would use more cinematics. And... Please, I'd like to watch the cinematics in the "extras" in Full HD (1080p).

- The multiplayer mode needs vehicles and bigger fields, and to take out the autoaiming.

Once again, THANKS, because I enjoyed this game very much in my PS3. Please, follow this way forever. Amazings stories for singleplayer, and don′t try to take the Call Of Duty playability. I like this game because it's different, with it's own personallity.

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:36 am

Yes, AI has some minor bugs, story is great, cinematics could be more but those there are are great, vehicles only on BIG maps, ability to grab things just like in SP, information about ceph would be awesome (for Crysis 3). What happend to Psycho and Nomad, that could be even said in a side dialogue. Like the flashback of Alcatraz, when Prophet talked to Jacob Hargreave :"You knew what the suits would do to my men!". Could be "You knew my men were dieing because of the suits!". That would be enough to grasp that they are dead. Or not. Your choice.

I am new to the Crysis Universe, but I think I will buy Crysis & Warhead when I got money. Love Crysis 2. <3
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:17 am

I suspect the TC is one of Crytek employees :D
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:09 am

I think that could be a great multiplayer mode a "Vehicles war", a battle among vehicles, only vehicles. It would be very fun.

What′s more, I think that the sigleplayer campaing would be improved with more NPC's in some moments. For example: When you arrive in a place with multiple infected people, some of then could talk to you and tell you what happened to them and how huge was their suffering and what they saw.

I wanted to say, that including some quick time events was very succesful. They hit the way to make inmersive moments :)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:17 am

The NPC is smartest! In comparison with other games' AI of course... Comparing to human? They are far from reach.

Vehicles War? You better off with World of Tanks. But Crysis 2 multiplayer should really add some vehicles else those JAW are really unnecessary and irritating. The game is great. Graphic is great too. But lack of immersion into the story.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:04 am

What ?u hope that crytec will make crysis 3 for consoles only? they just made game for u.Only one. Forget it ,crytec should leave consoles for crysis 3. Consoles have done damage enough to crytek. -_-'
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:13 am

Niwas981... Consoles haven't made damage to Crysis. Without consoles Crytek wouldn't earn the same amount of money so they wouldn′t follow with this franchise. I am also a PC Gamer, but I'm not a fool who thinks the world turns around him and his 10000000000000$ machine. Yes, it's true that consoles don't let evolve the technologies as fast as the PC, but they are more logical, you don't have to spend a lot of money for seeing some new graphics. You can't be updating your graphic card each year, IT'S STUPID!!!! Some people can afford it, but not all.

Now, Crysis is a more famous franchise, which means that Crytek can spend more money in it, so the can do a better game and the multiplayer will be more played.

And... were did I said "crytec will make crysis 3 for consoles only"? I said that I hope they will do one more Crysis in this console generation, which means for all the platforms in this period of time until the new generation arrives.

Unitednightingale... I said a vehicles mode as one more multiplayer mode, not the only one. It's something that can be fun and funny. I don't mean a huge anda amazing mode, only a simple mode for getting fun with the possibilities of CryEngine 3. Rage it′s and example. It`ll have some racing multiplayer modes, and it's a FPS. It'll be easy for Crytek to made it and will add some more hours of fun in the same game.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:49 pm

yes definatly love cry2. but their is something about the single player that pisses me off. ive been playing cry2 on PS3 and i been trophy hunting on account of PSN being down which led me to discover something very very very very GAY about the single player campaign. after going through the game once on begginer. i then started jumping missions in order to get trphies callect all suveniors, then i was going through the missions again on soldier difficulty to earn the speeding ticket trophy during this time i got enough catalyst to buy the 12000 deflection module and that was the last module i needed to buy. i saved and quit. i came back later turned on my game and went through the last mission needed to get the last speeding ticket. "masks off" level. i go to change catalyst and find that my deflection is locked again. and that im -15284 catalyst. I MEAN WTF CRTYTEK?. the hell do i have to do in order to get rid of this defacit. or am i just f'ng stuck playing over and over having to earn 17000 catlyst to get my last module again. very very very weaksauce crytek get back to me and let me know what i need to do to fix this
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:35 am

there are people playing the MP online?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:35 pm

there are people playing the MP online?

Yes, there are a lot. I never had any problem to find matches
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:53 pm

I can say the same, i am quite satisfied with it i mean best **** fps on market, well done crytek team!!!!!
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:12 am

I wouldn't be to optimistic about crysis 3 if they were actually serious about wanting to reach black ops level of sales. And it'd be nice to have crytek return to the pc only so they can focus on one thing and make it a better game imo but that won't happen. Besides that though i'd rather leave the ceph as is and not give them a personality or a defined leader and leave them just as something were fighting against to survive.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:37 pm

I wouldn't be to optimistic about crysis 3 if they were actually serious about wanting to reach black ops level of sales. And it'd be nice to have crytek return to the pc only so they can focus on one thing and make it a better game imo but that won't happen. Besides that though i'd rather leave the ceph as is and not give them a personality or a defined leader and leave them just as something were fighting against to survive.

Well, I guess, at some point, we will have to take the fight to them! ;P
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:51 am

True.... Boss fights maybe? Or i guess there could be some kind of ceph leadership.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:37 am

Or they could just give us power struggle
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:40 am

True.... Boss fights maybe? Or i guess there could be some kind of ceph leadership.

The only kind of boss I want to be fighting in a Crysis game are bosses like the Hunter or the Battleship from the end of Crysis 1.

Any thought of introducing enemy leadership in the fashion of Halo or Gears of War needs to be put through the paper shredder and burned immediately, never to be spoken of by the dev team again.
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