I've written a few of these scripts and all compiled fine - this one won't...
Quest Property MyQuest AutoInt Property StageToSet AutoWeather Property ChangeWeather AutoGlobalVariableProperty DeathCount AutoEvent OnDeath(Actor killer)DeathCount.Mod(1)If DeathCount.GetValue() == 3ChangeWeather.SetActive()MyQuest.Setstage(StageToSet)EndifEndevent
Get these arrors...
(6,34): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Auto'
(6,38): mismatched input '\\r\\n' expecting STATE
So I studied the default setstageondeath script and tried this...
Quest Property MyQuest AutoInt Property StageToSet AutoWeather Property ChangeWeather AutoGlobalVariableProperty DeathCount AutoAuto state waitingEvent OnDeath(Actor killer)DeathCount.Mod(1)If DeathCount.GetValue() == 3ChangeWeather.SetActive()MyQuest.Setstage(StageToSet)EndifEndeventEndstateSTATE inactiveendSTATE
Got exactly the same errors. What am I doing wrong please?