I don't see them as a random thing, so I can see them make it into the final version
Judging by that screenshot, they did spend quite a bit of time getting it just right, and they got it (nearly) perfect! Instantly recognizable from a distance, and the mannerisms look spot-on in that shot. That's a good sign that they're in.
I don't know anything about the real animals, but the hound in that screenshot looks great. I very much doubt that they would be cut from the game, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if one or more hounds can become companion creatures (we know many NPCs can follow you into battle, at any rate).
Referred to as Gentle Giants, tallest dogs in the world, often said about them "Gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked" (campy, but ancient, as well as true...terrible guard dogs for house etc., completely non-agresssive in general, but raise your voice or a fist to a wolfhound's bonded person, and you'll lose the fist or more.). Surprisingly, fantastic apartment dogs, extremely patient with kinds, ungodly fast and graceful at a full run, total goofballs at times (my boy's nicknames include dogzilla, muppet, and dog-tard). Highly intelligent, often frustratingly so; highly independant and co-dependant at the same time (they do their own thing, but never leave your side willingly). Very, very low energy, no need to play for hours on end; 5 minutes a day of spontaneous sprinting (referred to as "getting the zoomies") and the rest of the time is laying down in whatever room you happen to be in. Hunted wolves to extinction in Ireland, now often used to hunt Irish Elk (which are 6 foot tall at the shoulders!) in Europe or moose and caribou (in North America), not to flush the prey, but to actually bring it down, usually hunting in groups of 3 or less (think about that a minute). Unique fighting/killing style with wolf-sized prey; where most killing dogs eviscerate or take the throat, wolfhounds grab by the scruff of the neck and 'shake it til it breaks'; think about that one, too

Now you know a little about the real animal, and it pretty much is the ideal canine for a fantasy setting. And as for the one in the screenie...don't just call it a hound. It's a Wolfhound. There's no other dog anything like it (okay, that's a lie, there are two others that are similar, but there's NO mistaking them for a Wolfhound)

(Not trying to be snobby by saying it's not a hound it's a Wolfound; it'd be like just calling a Lamborghini a car. Yes, it is a car, but some things just need to be called by their proper name
