» Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:24 am
We are assuming that we have any of the skills that a player character would, or do we only have our own personal skills?
I mean, if I woke up in Skyrim today as ME, then I'd probably be screwed. I have some basic survival skills, but I doubt I could handle much more than a mudcrab or two in a fight. I certainly would not want to face huge orcs, redguards, or nords in a bar fight.
I doubt that Nirn would be a very nice place to live. The standard of living seems to be fairly medieval. Having nothing of value and no relevant skills... I doubt I would be much more than a peasant. I would need to find shelter and probably would end up getting stuck doing cheap labor for next to no pay.
I would have to use my 21st century knowledge to try and invent something simple, like a compass, a battery, or a combustion engine (external first, then internal). Hopefully if I play my cards right, I can get wealthy off this. I doubt I could invent something like a light bulb because I'm not sure how in the heck you get tungsten. So... materials problems would be my biggest issue. I know how to make stuff like air conditioning, but I don't know how to make the compounds like Freon that are required. I MIGHT be able to help out somewhere with chemistry, but chemistry seems to work very differently on Nirn.
Lastly, I might be able to do well in the thieves guild. I think my skill set (law school and intellectual skills, generally) are best suited to thievery. I could imagine myself doing very well in a low-tech world with even the smallest amount of training.