» Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:50 pm
We know from the E3 demo that you gain straight XP as normal that goes to leveling up, and when you level up you gain one point to place in a perk, many of which also have multiple ranks (not unlike it used to be, actually - ie, Gun Nut having 3 ranks, etc.)
We also know those perks will have SPECIAL requirements. If you want an INT perk that is 4 levels down in the list, you need an INT of 4.
I can't remember if there was ever a specific interview about this next part, but it seems conventional wisdom that instead of picking a perk at level-up you can opt to raise a SPECIAL stat. (At the very least the UI seems to suggest this, along with your initial stat distribution being so limited.)
There is also this oddly-worded quote from that article, and that's what people have been interpreting to mean there's any kind of Elder Scrolls-style experience gain at all. Personally, I took it to simply be that many Perks have multiple ranks that you'd need to invest multiple level-up points in (again, just like if you wanted level 4 Gun Nut in F3.)
Thus far what's been confirmed is that you gain general XP as normal which gets you one point at level-up to spend on a Perk (and most likely an Attribute as well.) That there's any sort "learn a skill through using it" system a la Elder Scrolls depends on how you interpret that article (which I personally feel isn't what they intended to say.)