Admittedly, I don't know all the details and it's probably far too late to complain, but I've come to understand that FO4 will be using a "level-up-as-you-use-a-skill" system, similar (but not identical) to the Elder Scrolls games. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T. STOP. DESIST. RELENT. ABSTAIN. FORSAKE. DENY. FORBID. JUST DON'T DO IT!!
Why the insistence to level up skills (a.k.a. "perks") in this way? I've never seen this implemented without forcing players to grind the skills they want to develop, and THAT svckS. So I ask again, what exactly is the upside to using this system, which is NOT fun, NOT cool, etc..?
"Because it's more realistic!" So is driving to work everyday, but I don't think anyone is going to develop a game about that anytime soon.
So... if the Fallout developers bother to read posts in this forum, can't we just have a pool of points that we distribute into the perks we want to? (And yes, the old school D&D experience points leveling system is still the best, most fun way to increase character levels, let's stop trying to reinvent the wheel, guys).
Thanks for letting me rant, I enjoyed it.