Flying mounts.
PS: Flying mounts that you can control your self.
But downleveling is prolly one of the best answers, but equaly bad for me would be Add all be all addons. Along whith any immersion breaking thing. I know i know, i broke the rules.
Bah, high on prescription drugs and mis-read the title.
No flying mounts of any kind, except maybe as a special quest where one takes you to the quest location and back.
Please no In-Game Purchase garbage!! I'll PtP month to month as long as they don't shove IGP down my throat! I'm poor, and I don't want some spoiled 13 year old pwning my face because mommy is willing to buy him epic level gear! Let him pwn my face because he has no life, at least that I can deal with!
Skillcapes, ugh... It makes me cringe.
Speaking of down leveling: Back in FF11 I was working on my Beastmaster in the tree and just leveled up so I rushed out to get a full new set of armor. I had to sell my current set of gear to buy the new set, went back to the tree to level a bit more and died after the second mob due to a bad link. I leveled down and could not wear my nice new armor anymore haha.
The only way I could use it again was to try and level nekkid until I got enough xp to ding once more.
To answer your question I reckon p2w cash shops.
lol. If you mean players I agree whole-heartedly!
dailies and grinding rep, I know that's two things... but still
^This. You always end up paying more if you want the same experience as a pay-to-play MMOG.
Not sure if the game still has it, but it's something you can buy once a skill reaches level 99 in Runescape. Yes, I used to play that about a decade ago. *Walks away in shame.*
I think what you've described is more commonly known as level-loss.
Downlevelling is where when you take a character into a zone he's out-levelled, he's temporarily reduced in level to match the zone. Sort of the opposite of Cyrodiil.
As for what I don't want to see... the list is too long.
As people allready wrote, I think shoddycast brought up a good thing a couple of episodes ago.
If you make items that you can ONLY buy on a Cashshop... is THAT were my subscription money is going? "Hey here is this flying mount that only drops from X boss..." and a couple of months later, you could buy it on WoW's store... This was prolly the first thing Blizzard put up like that if I remember correctly. And yeah, if I had been smarter I would say: "Is that were my subscription money went? For them to sell X thing back to me?"
Yeah, that really destroyed PvP in WoW for me. Suddenly people droping down while I picked flowers... not that they could kill me, and I had excellent escape with my druid skills. But then they just mount up again and wait. Gosh all the pain I went through.
Also these moments when you and an enemy player see eachother, and you want to gather the same resource... who will be the faster? So... dull.
Put what would I not want in this game... nah I can't think of anything that hasn't been said.
I would however want to see more mushrooms in Dunmerland.
Key combos like in Age of Conan , imagine trying to land a combo while trying to dodge , your fingers would be hurting .
You dont need to, runescape is great game. Its the greatest in some aspects.
It has the best proffession system out of all the mmos i have played and it has the best economy build ever. Gameplay, Graphics and lore might be fail but profession system and economy. ESO will be played for 50 years if it can put that profession and economy of runescape
I know this is completely pointless as it is 100% inevitable, but...... Broken Quests that you can't redo. There was nothing in the world more frustrating than looking at my quest list and seeing quests that I hadn't completed that I COULDN'T complete because of some stupid bug or because it was broken! I know there will be kinks and bugs to work out for the first year or so, but please just find a way to let me redo it or remove it from my list. Okay, I'm better now.
I loved Huttball!
Particularly after they added kicking the ball, so that Baron Deathmark would rant and yell at you.
By feature I hope you mean ingame content, because clearly no one wants cash shop ingame with flashing icons and whatnot..
That being said, flying mounts and raptor mounts and all those fantasy mounts have no place in eso, EXCEPT for a few like a tiger mount, and thats a big maybe, even if its put ingame it should be incredibly hard to get through pve means, not some pvp points purchase, make it truly believable.
What else.... hmm, transmog is out for sure..
Well of course, stop the tendency of making the game easier and easier and more accessible, pick a personality for your game and stick to it, make yourself flexible, but not liquid.