» Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:15 am
I posted this idea a while back on some long-forgotten thread before someone told me it was basically a rehash of Halo 3's(??) Juggernaut game mode.
Thought I would bring it up again, since it still provokes teamwork while at the same time giving everyone that visceral 'every-man-for-himself'' aspect.
IDEA: The game starts out in FFA mode, where everyone is responsible only for themselves. There is a chemical (neon-pink?) at the center of the map and the first person to pick it up gets a buff - 10% increased weapon damage, 30% damage resistance and increased run speed (equal to level 1 Fleet of Foot). The downside to this buff is that they are now permanently highlighted on everyone else's radar. The objective for everyone else is to kill that one buffed guy, since he is getting 10 points every 5 seconds. Whoever kills him receives the buff, and on the cycle goes. The first person to get 250 points wins. The match goes on for half an hour, and he/she who has the highest score after the timer reaches zero wins.